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Rugby League Fanatics Documentary

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  • Rugby League Fanatics Documentary

    Hi Rooster Fans, Was good to meet and have a quick chat with a few of you yesterday at the Foundation cup. Congrats on the win, your team is deffinately looking a hell of alot better under Smith so should be an exciting year for you.

    For those i did not get a chance to say G'day to my name is Jimmy and this year i am filming a documentary covering all Rugby League Fanatics from all the NRL Clubs. What i am looking for are the most passionate of supporters to interview and to share their stories with other supporters on why your team is the best and what makes you follow them through the good and bad times.

    It is purely a positive look at all clubs, the fans and in a way it is intended to be an unofficial advertisement for club membership. This is a project i am filming and funding myself because like you i am a Rugby league Fanatic and most of all i can't wait to see the finished product myself.

    I will stop over before the game in Round 1 and catch up with you again. If you would like more information please have a look at the website........ and if anyone has any questions or would like to participate and represent the Roosters feel free to drop me a line.

    Thanks guys and Girls!!

  • #2
    Hey Jimmy, thanks for popping in and visiting the chookpen.

    I am sure there are plenty on here and that will be at the game at round 1 that will be happy to assist.

    Basically, if you head around bays 13 and 14 at the SFS you will find most roosters members, and if you head over to bay 36, you will find the Rooster nut cases in the chookpen.

    again, thanks for letting us know about this !

    Delecto Oriens est odio Meridianus
    To love Easts is to hate Souffs

    Originally posted by Bill Shankley, Liverpool FC
    At a football club, there’s a holy trinity – the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don’t come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.
    Originally posted by Andy Raymond Commentating Souffs V Manly 18/04/09
    The fireworks at the Easter show are making more noise than the crowd tonight


    • #3
      Who are you calling nut jobs Muzz.....

      And it was not unpleasant chatting to you Jimmy......I didnt even disinfect my hand....

      Your doco sounded like a great idea....would be a pleasure to rant for it....But I am still adamant that NO amount of money could make me sit in the burrow....


      • #4
        Cheers guys, thankyou being good hosts and not booting me out of the Pen lol. see you all at round 1.

