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"Pearce acts his age"

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  • "Pearce acts his age"

    From the Daily Telegraph

    DETERMINED to stay focused, reformed Rooster Mitchell Pearce has taken the extraordinary step of delaying his 21st birthday bash until after the season.

    Pearce comes of age tomorrow, but, in another sign of his newfound off-field dedication, he will quietly mark the milestone with close family and friends.

    Joining Todd Carney and Nate Myles on an early season booze-ban, the NSW Origin hopeful does not want his 21st to distract him or his teammates from the job of resurrecting the Tricolours after one of the worst years in the club's proud history.

    Father Wayne, a long-standing teetotaller, yesterday confirmed Mitchell's party had been put on hold.

    "He is 21 during the week but he is not going to have a party until the season ends," Wayne said.

    "It is not really possible during the season because he has such a heavy workload. He isn't going to celebrate it till the end of the season which I think is a smart move."

    Pearce was never far away from a good time last year but so far this year has kept away from nightspots and the trouble they can bring.

    "He is really enjoying the way he is performing at the moment and isn't really missing the partying or the drinking," Wayne said.

  • #2
    Im getting sick of this shit TBH. We get it, he's off the turps. FFS just leave the kid alone and let him play footy.


    • #3
      ^ True that.

      Still though, reminds you how young the bloke is.

      21 years old, and the poor kid can't get wasted on his birthday.


      • #4
        I think the same paper has written relatively the same article about five times


        • #5
          its great that he's doing it but can't we keep some of this stuff in house


          • #6
            I know it's the same old article but like I said over at the Wall, to postpone his 21st shows his commitment!


            • #7
              **** he must be planning a big party if he can't fit it into the season in Round 4!


              • #8
                poor bastard


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Fleabag Fletch View Post
                  **** he must be planning a big party if he can't fit it into the season in Round 4!
                  Youd have to imagine its gonna be a big party, isnt everyones 21st? And he probaly would have most of his teammates there.....sensible not to have them all having a drink at the same time. I give him a lot of credit for showing maturity by his decision.

