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Sydney Roosters Drug Scandal

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Chook View Post
    If you don't think those morons at the tele have an agenda against the Roosters because of Gus's association with us and his friendship with Politis, it is you who has their head well and truly up their arse. If you were a true Rooster support and not some dickhead come lately, you would know this as fact.

    Are presciption pain killers widely used at our club? Certainly they are, just as they are widely used at other clubs to assist players copping with injuries. Where's that stated anywhere in this latest bullshit from the daily telucrap? Nowhere!

    Jake Friend and Todd Carney were both tested and were found not have any evidence of valium in thier system, so your assertion that "no innocent explanation has been forthcoming" is just more head up arse syndrome from you.
    Just fark off retard, you've been exposed as a moronic troll. Go bother some other clubs supporters.



    The explanation needs to relate to why he had the pills on him in the first place - none of the charges relate to having consumed them



    • #32
      Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post


      The explanation needs to relate to why he had the pills on him in the first place - none of the charges relate to having consumed them

      You really are an ignorant retard. As I said, prescription pain killers are routinely used by all clubs to help players cope with injuries. If you think otherwise, refer to my first sentence.



      • #33
        Originally posted by Chook View Post
        You really are an ignorant retard. As I said, prescription pain killers are routinely used by all clubs to help players cope with injuries. If you think otherwise, refer to my first sentence.

        Then those painkillers need to be prescribed by a doctor and in the name of the person they're for - not in some girls name and found in Friends pocket while he's loitering around Coogee on a Saturday night

        Just as they would be if he had a valid reason for having them

        And if he had that valid reason, then he'd have no dramas explaining the situation to the police, as opposed to refusing to co-operate

        but you stay in denial


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
          Then those painkillers need to be prescribed by a doctor and in the name of the person they're for - not in some girls name and found in Friends pocket while he's loitering around Coogee on a Saturday night

          Just as they would be if he had a valid reason for having them

          And if he had that valid reason, then he'd have no dramas explaining the situation to the police, as opposed to refusing to co-operate

          but you stay in denial
          Ideally, you should cease loitering at the Chookpen.
          Last edited by Kramer; 06-21-2010, 04:46 PM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kramer View Post
            Ideally, you should cease loitering at the Chookpen.
            yes, so you'll feel less uncomfortable about inhabiting the delusional dreamworld that you do


            • #36
              Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
              yes you must have been, because it is

              granted that most of you are deluded beyong belief when it comes to the prospect of anyone at the Roosters having done something wrong, it's worth remembering this is Jake Friend we're talking about. Jake Friend who's on his last chance at the club. Jake Friend who, if he was fair dinkum about having changed his ways and fair dinkum about repaying the club for the chances they've given him, wouldn't put himslef within a million miles of a situation like this

              The sad part is the club initially saying there was an innocent explanation, but since that time no innocent explanation has been forthcoming and Friend is now refusing to be interviewed by investigators

              but no, it's all just a giant conspiracy by The Daily Telegraph to undermine the Roosters

              That's what it is

              just like the corrupt referees penalising us too much

              Hey Buzz would you piss off to the Sharks forum where you belong and stop sticking up for your amateur tele-crap colleagues here. Is it a coincidence that they run this story the day after:
              Too late to dump Chooks after drug claims

              Your dumb journalists bagged Magnay for her story on the Sharks because she wouldn't reveal her basis or sources on her allegations before the truth came out. Now let's see if your dickheads sweep this under the carpet after a few weeks with no evidence or this "highly credible source" is not forthcoming. I hope Josh moves from that joint as he is the only one with any credibility.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                yes, so you'll feel less uncomfortable about inhabiting the delusional dreamworld that you do
                For one thing TOK you dont know me, so dont feel compelled to make such errouneous statement, furthermore I am not deluded about wether the Roosters are into drugs to the extent that your newspaper seem to think. It is more to do with the Telucrap trying to cast aspersions on our great club (obviously not yours,) which is something that you seem to enjoy doing as well. ,
                So you'd do everyone a favour by disappearing up your arse.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                  someone who's innocent
                  Hazem El masri refused to provide DNA when the Dogs were implicated in the Coffs Harbour rape incident......... Is he guilty because he did not provide evidence?

                  The tell u crap has been asked to provide the evidence that has lead them to this article......................i guess we will never see this "evidence" the tell u crap guilty of something then??????

                  Yes....Below sub standard gutter trash trying to be passed off as journalism.

                  Delecto Oriens est odio Meridianus
                  To love Easts is to hate Souffs

                  Originally posted by Bill Shankley, Liverpool FC
                  At a football club, there’s a holy trinity – the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don’t come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.
                  Originally posted by Andy Raymond Commentating Souffs V Manly 18/04/09
                  The fireworks at the Easter show are making more noise than the crowd tonight


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                    Then those painkillers need to be prescribed by a doctor and in the name of the person they're for - not in some girls name and found in Friends pocket while he's loitering around Coogee on a Saturday night

                    Just as they would be if he had a valid reason for having them

                    And if he had that valid reason, then he'd have no dramas explaining the situation to the police, as opposed to refusing to co-operate

                    but you stay in denial
                    Only one of us is in denial idiot and that's you. You can deny you have an agenda here to present the worst, but the fact you imply Friend was "loitering" to enhance your worst case scenario only confirms another of your denials in that you are a moronic farking troll. I am refusing to feed you anymore.

                    Fark off and lick Bec's clit, you can't miss it, it's the size of a old garbage tin lid and sit on Hartigan's desk.



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by supermario View Post
                      is the tell u crap guilty of something then??????
                      Unfortunately their crappy excuse for journalism is not criminal (usually... sometimes they get sued.)


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Chook View Post
                        Fark off and lick Bec's clit, you can't miss it, it's the size of a old garbage tin lid and sit on Hartigan's desk.


                        Probably smells like one too.
                        Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Vasco View Post

                          Probably smells like one too.
                          Could Hartigan and Sodomite be one and the same? that may explain things.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                            someone who's innocent

                            Excuse me tok not being rude or anything but as a massive rooster supporter a young one at that i have to ask you why are you here you dont support the club when stpid BS articles like this come up in the teluCRAP your always a downer negative person who from what i can see no1 has respect for mate your here for the wrong reasons is that you bourban becky ?
                            We are the Fonk


                            • #44
                              Re the Rugby League Player laying in his own vomit last year in Sydney from what I've heard it was a Maroons player after a SOO game.
                              Last edited by Faddy; 06-22-2010, 12:38 AM.


                              • #45
                                Sabrina Butler was innocent...and she was on death row awaiting the day she'd be killed by the state in the death chamber!


                                When you hear her story it sounds like a nightmare.
                                At age 17, Sabrina Butler had a nine-month old son with a heart murmur who stopped breathing in his crib. After a frantic half hour the baby arrived in the emergency room but doctors were unable to revive him.

                                The next day Butler was arrested for child abuse due to the bruises left by resuscitation attempts and in March 1990 was wrongfully convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death row. At the age most teenagers are attending college, Sabrina Butler was sequestered in an isolated Mississippi death row ward staring down the needle of lethal injection.

                                ************************************************** ***

                                Look at all the innocent people that were shafted into prison, and also onto death row, in America:


                                ************************************************** ****

                                Closer to home...Lindy Chamberlain::


                                Engineer Les Harris, who had conducted dingo research for over a decade, said that, contrary to Cameron's findings, a dingo's carnassial teeth can shear through material as tough as motor vehicle seat belts. He also cited an example of a captive female dingo removing a bundle of meat from its wrapping paper and leaving the paper intact.[7] His evidence was rejected, however.

                                Evidence to the effect that a dingo was strong enough to carry a kangaroo was also ignored. Also ignored was the removal of a three-year-old girl by a dingo from the back seat of a tourist's motor vehicle at the camping area just weeks before, an event witnessed by the parents.

                                An Aboriginal man gave evidence that his wife had tracked the dingo and found places where it had put the baby down, leaving the imprint of the baby's clothing in the soil. This evidence was discounted, because the man spoke on behalf of his wife, but in the first person, according to Aboriginal custom.

                                The defence's case was rejected by the jury. Lindy Chamberlain was convicted of murder on 29 October 1982 and sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour.

                                ************************************************** ***

                                Good luck folks if you're ever charged by the cops and sent for trial!

                                Me, I'd be saying nothing to the cops except a very few words:

                                "I am innocent...I demand to see my lawyer"! [the best lawyer you can afford]

