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Disgraceful Vermin Fans

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  • Disgraceful Vermin Fans

    Was there stuff thrown onto the field tonight as Toddy lined up the last conversion? certainly looked like it, if so an absolute disgrace

  • #2
    yeah the nrl story has a line about it:

    In a sour aftermath, though, Carney was almost hit by a projectile thrown by a crowd member as he was lining up his final conversion attempt.

    but what else can you expect from fans of such a vermin-laden team?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Magic Mike Eden View Post
      Was there stuff thrown onto the field tonight as Toddy lined up the last conversion? certainly looked like it, if so an absolute disgrace
      Yes, there was, that was what held up play which made me laugh because it ran down the clock beautifully, so thank you to those idiot vermin fans.
      "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

      Thomas Jefferson


      • #4
        It was pension week, im guessing while verballing The Champ Carney, many stray dentures went flying, i feel for the guys, they will once again have a mouth full of gums until next pay week.


        • #5
          Yes there was, it was mostly empty water bottles, but there was one coke bottle that was pretty full. I went with a few mates that are south supporters who thought it would be funny to get tickets in the souths supporters bay, i couldnt stop laughing when they were yelling abuse at Carney when he was kicking, he just turned and looked at them all and just started giggling it was a classic.


          • #6
            How funny was that blond girl in the crowd yelling at Carney when he was taking the last conversion, telling him to F*** Off and then realising that she was on camera.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Magic Mike Eden View Post
              How funny was that blond girl in the crowd yelling at Carney when he was taking the last conversion, telling him to F*** Off and then realising that she was on camera.
              Im pretty sure it was her teeth that hit carney


              • #8
                Originally posted by pearcesworstnightmare View Post
                Im pretty sure it was her teeth that hit carney
                All 3 of them


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Magic Mike Eden View Post
                  All 3 of them
                  LMAO, that was funny.
                  "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

                  Thomas Jefferson


                  • #10
                    They're a disgrace, every last one of them.

                    Big Lebanese bloke down in the Souths contingent near the Chookpen tries to start a fight after the game, then yells at security who tell him to calm down.

                    Idiots throw bottles at Carney, which has absolutely no effect.

                    Drunk bogan screams "thieving ****s" at a couple of 10 year old kids...



                    • #11
                      They should be celebrating, didnt i read in the tellucrap they are getting a new school to jig then burn down in the block??????


                      • #12
                        They were feral tonight.

                        Albeit so was I but I don't have to live with being a Souths supporter.


                        • #13
                          i would be angry and feral if I supported Souths as well


                          • #14
                            I was sad that Russell Crowe wasn't there tonight. But then it would have been a Rusty benefit and we'd have lost.


                            • #15
                              Hi I'm New, was never into this shit but after that I think roosters are a good team. rabbits got lucky with their trys, roosters forwards dominated the match. **** JAMES GRAHAM by 2012. Our forwards should be ripe
                              Last edited by how did Maubo get so good; 07-10-2010, 02:36 AM.

