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  • Rrrrrrooooooooosters

    My man, I'm gonna give you some advice on trolling.

    Now, firstly, I can appreciate your attempts to come in here and shit stir/stir that big pot/be-little/annoy ect. It's what is most fun about the net, to be able to piss people off, get into fun banter, and enjoy yourself.

    HOWEVER, if you're going to troll, make sure you:

    1. Keep to an original story/background
    2. Actually throw out posts that can be read
    3. Try and stay away from being a hypocrite

    So far, and once again before I put you down the drain, I REALLY do appreciate your intentions. However, the above? You've failed terribly.

    You can't come in first, and state:

    YOu "assumed" WRONG you blithering fool! Dugan is and was NEVER coming to your pathetic excuse for a franchise!!!! You ****s are so cocky. No Dugan NO PREMIERSHIP! NOW **** OFF!
    and then 2 days later, come back with a changed mentality and throw out this caper.

    Yeah it show how little integrity we have as a club.
    If you're going to piss people off, atleast do it with "some" credibility. In order to annoy, you must get under ones skin. If you can "annoy", then you have credibility.

    Unfortunately, you've failed this by changing your approach.

    See what you've done?

    You've signed up on the site under the name "RRRROOOOOOSTERS", then you've come on, lost the plot and already shown that you're not a fan of the club after what? 2 posts? THEN, you've come back 2 days later and have changed your approach again back to what you originally set out to do.

    You've swapped and changed your appearance so much, that one could call you the "Michael Jackson" of the forum.

    Now bud, take a breath, get a story together, stick with it, and annoy.

    It's not rocket science. If you need any more help, come see me

    Shaun Kenny Dumb.
    Last edited by Shaun Kenny-Dumb; 07-12-2010, 03:38 PM.

  • #2
    He is not even funny


    • #3
      Yea, get a clue.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rhyseboy v2.0 View Post
        Yea, get a clue.
        You too could learn a thing or two from this also weesey.

        You young teenagers, you just don't have the stamina to provide a good, calm shit stir.


        • #5
          i like him.


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Anus View Post
            i like him.
            Like Jason Ryles, we can't let him "hang" out to dry just yet "The Anus"


            • #7
              Mate bang on as usual.

              There should be an ettiqute book on trolling.

              Methinks we could co-write the farker, could be a decent earner.

              Id need chapters from Melon, JT, RC, Rusty, Chook and Pingysleftshoulder (some of the funniest sheat ive ever read from that bloke). Me old rissole Twenty could do a guest chapter, hes not a Chook but fark me ive seen him OWN some arseclowns over the years.

              The FlogPen .

              You know it makes sense.


              • #8
                Perhaps Rrrrrrooooooooosters should hire Michael Ennis. He seems to be the master of bation.

                It would be like Kane of Kung Fu and that bald headed dude who taught him.

                He could lift a steaming cauldron of excrement.

                (Forgive me, it's been 25 years since I saw that show)


                • #9
                  Some great points there SKdumb.

                  You are spot on with "get a story and stick with it".

                  While I have your attention, forum readers....I'd just like to post this link for anyone that is interested

                  It is our monthly news letter, which is a MUST read. You'd be doing yourself a disservice by not having a go at the Bears quiz on page 1 (it's a little ripper alright )...answers for this months quiz will be available in next months newsletter.

                  And just remember.. if it's worth's worth saving


                  • #10
                    I have always been a fan of the growl


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
                      I have always been a fan of the growl
                      By the looks of your avatar, you did more pounding than growling Billy Boy, ya cheeky little bugger


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hugh Jorgan View Post
                        By the looks of your avatar, you did more pounding than growling Billy Boy, ya cheeky little bugger
                        Are the Cheerleaders called "The Growlers"????

                        Delecto Oriens est odio Meridianus
                        To love Easts is to hate Souffs

                        Originally posted by Bill Shankley, Liverpool FC
                        At a football club, there’s a holy trinity – the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don’t come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.
                        Originally posted by Andy Raymond Commentating Souffs V Manly 18/04/09
                        The fireworks at the Easter show are making more noise than the crowd tonight


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
                          I have always been a fan of the growl
                          From what I've been told, so is the Prime Minister.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by supermario View Post
                            Are the Cheerleaders called "The Growlers"????
                            Ummm No.

                            They are called "the recipients".


                            • #15
                              I like the direction this thread is headed towards.

