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Dragons to feel heat when teen Rooster warms up his cold shoulder

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  • Dragons to feel heat when teen Rooster warms up his cold shoulder

    August 5, 2010

    He rejected Wayne Bennett's advances and paid the price, little wonder Roosters rookie 'BJ' Leilua has a point to prove, writes Chris Barrett.

    Introducing Joseph Ikenasio Vitale Poiva Leilua Kelemete - ''BJ'' Leilua for short, thankfully. A young man who, at age 17, said no to Wayne Bennett.

    The Sydney Roosters rookie utility remembers the meeting well. It was this time last year, he had just finished the SG Ball season with St George Illawarra, and Roosters recruitment chief Peter O'Sullivan had come knocking with a first-grade contract offer.

    ''It was a rough night, that night. We had a meeting - me, him [Bennett] and Craig Young, talking about them wanting me to sign,'' Leilua says. ''Straight up, I told them the truth that I was going to be signing with the Roosters. It was heaps hard. It was scary, man. I just told him I needed to go, I needed something new, something fresh.

    ''They were filthy and they gave me a hard time throughout the whole year. I was pretty sad at the time but I was happy with the new opportunity to play with the Roosters.''

    Bennett, Leilua says, told him the Dragons would try and get him back after his three-year contract at Bondi expired, such was the club's admiration for the teenager.

    However, as he prepares to square off against St George Illawarra for the first time in the formative year of his NRL career, the teenager has a point to prove. Leilua claims he was invited to the Dragons' NRL and NYC training last year but, after notifying the club of his intention to leave, was given the cold shoulder and spent the rest of the season playing only school footy for Endeavour Sports High and then the Australian Schoolboys.

    ''After that, they brushed me because I signed with the Roosters,'' says Leilua, who has played nine NRL games in his debut year. ''I played nothing - I played school footy and that's it. I was spewing, I was really angry.''

    Leilua has a smile on his face when he talks of this episode. It is clear he still holds Bennett in high regard, even if he repeatedly describes the great coach as ''scary''. He is hardly the only player to have felt intimidated by the Bennett aura.

    The 18-year-old speaks with more comfort about his relationship with his present coach, Brian Smith, crediting the first-year Roosters mentor with urging him to believe in himself. And open his mouth.

    ''He's had a good impact on me,'' Leilua says of Smith. ''I never had confidence in myself - he told me 'Man, you can do it, you've just got to use your skill and your footwork'.

    ''Brian is just chilled out and relaxed. He just likes to talk. Oh my gosh, loves to talk all the time.''

    The BJ Leilua story could have easily been very different. He says he slipped off the tracks in his early teens, finding trouble and letting his talent for league and tennis fade without regard. His parents, Pati and Aranata, with whom he still lives at Arncliffe along with his five brothers and sisters, made him snap out of it.

    ''They pushed me throughout my whole career to be a first-grader,'' said Leilua, who is of Samoan descent but has been approached by New Zealand coach Stephen Kearney about the Kiwis. ''They inspired me … when I was a little kid I wasn't that good. I was just a bad kid. I was in trouble - I'd never come home all the time, I was always out. Then when I reached the age of 15 they told me, 'It's now or never'.

    ''I was just mucking round with my mates, just being stupid at the park, running round doing nothing. I wasn't taking my footy seriously and even my homework - I didn't go to school all the time. By 17 I went to school every day.''

    On Sunday, when he plays his old club at the SCG, the family will be there ''cousins and all''. ''I just can't wait to get out there and smash them,'' said Leilua, who doesn't lack confidence these days. ''But at the same time I respect them because they're a good team; that's why they're on top.''

    Nice to see one of the papers giving us positive press..

  • #2
    Now this one was a good read. Geez that is a long name though

    Hopefully he and Linett and Ryles especially will have blinders.


    • #3
      The story is almost Hodges like, involving the same man (Bennett).

      He got Hodges back in the end... lets hope it pans out a little differently this time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
        The story is almost Hodges like, involving the same man (Bennett).

        He got Hodges back in the end... lets hope it pans out a little differently this time.
        Well at least we have him for 3 years, by the time his contract is over Bennett will be lying on a beach somewhere drinking cocktails with little fancy umprellas.



        • #5
          This kid looks like he could be anything, Ive been very impressed with his performances, and his ability to play centre or back row. Smash em BJ.


          • #6
            Wayne Bennett made advances at him?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lauren View Post
              Wayne Bennett made advances at him?
              Hell, someone better let Kristy Fraser-Kirk know so she can get him in the class action.

              Is Wayne Bennett on the David Jones board?


              • #8
                awesome awesome talent. he cordner and maubs are the corner stones of our backrow going forward. for our club now it is literally all about keeping the right players and continuing to bring the youngsters through. we have a wealth of talent and depth in all positions now especially considering the signings we have made as well. the best thing of all is that they are all passionate for the club and really good mates which is the key to retention and success going forward - we appear to have a really strong team and mateship type culture developing.

                This game could be BJs real breakthrough imo. he has been getting better and better every week but i think with the added incentive of it being against his old club, he may really let lose. as a kid he was by far one of the standouts and really unstoppable. im excited


                • #9
                  Well said Roz very happy this kids wearing the rite colours (RW&B) against the dragons
                  We are the Fonk


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by booster View Post
                    Well at least we have him for 3 years, by the time his contract is over Bennett will be lying on a beach somewhere drinking cocktails with little fancy umprellas.

                    Or on a park bench sipping VB through his beard


                    • #11
                      We have a few really good young backrowers. Cordner, Leilua, Aubusson, Lowe are all outstanding talents, and that Lou Goodwin bloke doesn't look too shabby either. I think that Tom Symonds might be found redundant if he doesn't pick up his form soon, especially if Cordner shows what he offers.


                      • #12
                        I'm a little confused by one thing that BJ (besides why the choice of the letters B and J to abbreviate his long name) said and that is this part ...

                        "I just told him I needed to go, I needed something new, something fresh."

                        Now, he's quite young and that quote is something I'd expect to hear out of someone older and who had been with the one club for a good few years - that's not BJ. His explanation doesn't make sense to me and actually gives me cause for concern that he may ultimately come to feel that way about the Roosters when his contract is up.
                        "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

                        Thomas Jefferson


                        • #13
                          i am sure there was more to it then needing something fresh and new.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The Mack View Post
                            We have a few really good young backrowers. Cordner, Leilua, Aubusson, Lowe are all outstanding talents, and that Lou Goodwin bloke doesn't look too shabby either. I think that Tom Symonds might be found redundant if he doesn't pick up his form soon, especially if Cordner shows what he offers.
                            Add Cherro to your list. If he gets an injury free season under his belt like Mose, he will make many sit up and take note especially Kiwis coach Kearney.

                            Just on Symonds, it's not form that is working against him but rather injuries and opportunities. Tom, Kennedy, Mose and Conn are all part of coach Smith's merry-go-round which seems to be working effectively.
                            With the team firing, Aiden Guerra hasn't come into calculations since the earlier part of the season either.

                            Symonds is a bona fide, proud local junior of good character who must not be lost by the club.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TheLoneRooster View Post
                              I'm a little confused by one thing that BJ (besides why the choice of the letters B and J to abbreviate his long name) said and that is this part ...

                              "I just told him I needed to go, I needed something new, something fresh."

                              Now, he's quite young and that quote is something I'd expect to hear out of someone older and who had been with the one club for a good few years - that's not BJ. His explanation doesn't make sense to me and actually gives me cause for concern that he may ultimately come to feel that way about the Roosters when his contract is up.
                              Don't worry TLR.

                              That's basically code for - i got paid more elsewhere.

