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  • Skd

    This guy is a dynamite centre...fullstop...

  • #2
    Still makes silly errors and did so tonight but his running game has improved out of sight. He also seems to have gained both size and speed which is a rare thing.


    • #3
      What a beast....

      Carney, Pearce, SKD, Aubusson, Friend will be signed up for life


      • #4
        Pearce realy needs to lift hi game


        • #5
          Originally posted by Assyrian_Pimp View Post
          Pearce realy needs to lift hi game
          in the first half i did see pearce run straight at the line (like he should) and there was no one in support.


          • #6
            Originally posted by dice View Post
            Still makes silly errors and did so tonight but his running game has improved out of sight. He also seems to have gained both size and speed which is a rare thing.
            Give it a break... He has been sensational this year...after all the shit he copped playing on the wing ... The move to centre has been a masterstroke...and he has been one of the best centres this year...


            • #7
              I just love SKD. he is such a weapon. Pearce was quiet but maybe next week. Still needs to work at repeat sets and territory. needs to kick smarter but whatever, we won!!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by dice View Post
                Still makes silly errors and did so tonight but his running game has improved out of sight. He also seems to have gained both size and speed which is a rare thing.
                He is a percentage player. He will try outrageous things and this year many have come off to win games and to lose some. We either want a player that is safe but will hardly ever step up, or we want a SKD type who will win the games. Marshall can be like that as well.


                • #9
                  skd is skd for the money i think we could not get any better value how many games has he won for us this year try try try ???
                  jnr tackling 2night i thought was awesome in the first half and come home strong .


                  • #10
                    SKD is as good an open field runner as any three-quarter in the game.



                    • #11
                      SKD's triumph's are a sheer fluke!!!! He should be a hell of a lot more involved that he is and he is lacking indefensive skills - I am prepared to acknowledge however, that he has come a long way this season - but there is certainly room for considerable improvement!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SAF View Post
                        SKD's triumph's are a sheer fluke!!!! He should be a hell of a lot more involved that he is and he is lacking indefensive skills - I am prepared to acknowledge however, that he has come a long way this season - but there is certainly room for considerable improvement!
                        You have to be joking. the bloke is a champion. He has been one of our best and I will support him as such.


                        • #13
                          blah blah blah... people will be saying this until he retires


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by dice View Post
                            Still makes silly errors and did so tonight but his running game has improved out of sight. He also seems to have gained both size and speed which is a rare thing.
                            I cannot believe that, after tonight's heroism, this is what you have to say.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SAF View Post
                              SKD's triumph's are a sheer fluke!!!! He should be a hell of a lot more involved that he is and he is lacking indefensive skills - I am prepared to acknowledge however, that he has come a long way this season - but there is certainly room for considerable improvement!
                              You are a cretin.

