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Anyone in United States

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  • Anyone in United States

    Does anyone know if the game is televised on cable in the USA, i am going over for buisness and cant believe i might miss the game. Please help...

  • #2
    No idea about the States, but I'm in Canada and the game will be shown live on Setanta Sports.

    I have to pay extra to get Setanta on my cable so not sure if it would be available in your hotel or wherever you're staying.


    • #3
      As many have posted in the past, have live streaming & good quality. Just tried their site now and it was down. Perhaps just a server thing. Anyway, try this site if you want live streaming. At the end of the day, it's probably the Setanta feed being broadcasted.


      • #4

        you can watch it there


        • #5
          Originally posted by RoosterMan View Post

          you can watch it there
 is great. I watch most of our games on it and it is free and mostly very reliable. Just sign up and make some posts on the forum and you have access.


          • #6
            Thanks, i will try all.


            • #7
              Originally posted by RoosterMania View Post
              No idea about the States, but I'm in Canada and the game will be shown live on Setanta Sports.

              I have to pay extra to get Setanta on my cable so not sure if it would be available in your hotel or wherever you're staying.
              You with Rogers? They used to show the Origin and the finals free until setanta showed up. Now they price gouge the hell out of the big games!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View Post
       is great. I watch most of our games on it and it is free and mostly very reliable. Just sign up and make some posts on the forum and you have access.
                Don't you have to make about 50 posts before given access? He'll have to tye fairly quickly.
                I signed up, got my activation email. I forgot about it for a few days. Then I remembered and tried and got a page saying that my IP address was now blocked. WTF! Tried contacting them and they haven't replied. This was about 3 weeks ago. I heard the guy running this makes the Soup Nazi look like Ghandi.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MattO*Luvs*Cocks View Post
                  Does anyone know if the game is televised on cable in the USA, i am going over for buisness and cant believe i might miss the game. Please help...

                  Contact Dice on this forum he can hook it up great guy helped me out years ago on my travels -I still owe him
                  Ill be in LA on the 4th family holiday part business lets celebrate it
                  Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
                    Don't you have to make about 50 posts before given access? He'll have to tye fairly quickly.
                    I signed up, got my activation email. I forgot about it for a few days. Then I remembered and tried and got a page saying that my IP address was now blocked. WTF! Tried contacting them and they haven't replied. This was about 3 weeks ago. I heard the guy running this makes the Soup Nazi look like Ghandi.
                    Yeah you are right mate. You need to be extremely careful about getting banned. Any indiscretion will earn you a livetime ban. For me the site is gold so I try to be very careful. For example, don't use the forums. They are nonsense and if you say the wrong thing you have a problem. Also, there is a live chat that comes up next to the stream. If you accidently type a spoiler you will also get banned for life. It is ridiculous but I just want the stream. You do have to post 50 forum posts to get access but I suggest just posting some bland response to whatever posts are already there. Once you have access use it only for that.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                      You with Rogers? They used to show the Origin and the finals free until setanta showed up. Now they price gouge the hell out of the big games!
                      I'm with Shaw. The Rogers sports channel's are included with our normal cable though. Yeah it's $15/month for Setanta. It's not too bad really to be able to watch NRL live. They also show a lot of English Premier League games as well.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RoosterMania View Post
                        I'm with Shaw. The Rogers sports channel's are included with our normal cable though. Yeah it's $15/month for Setanta. It's not too bad really to be able to watch NRL live. They also show a lot of English Premier League games as well.
                        Where you at there in Canada? I never heard of Shaw. I was usually too busy spending all my time and money in Costco!

