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  • Surreal...

    I would of liked to be around in 2002 to see what the feeling amongst the supporters on the forums were like.. how does it compare to now for those who were around?

    Can't believe we're into the grand final... it hasn't sunk in, seriously feels like these finals have flew by havn't they?

    So proud right now

  • #2
    I am already copping it from Merge fans but I feel good.

    Nothing can bring me down!


    • #3
      Man I'm the same... they're so arrogant it literally pisses me off... even if they're some of my closest friends, hope to God we win or they are knocked out this week. I'm sure they'll make excuses if we happen to win the comp, but it'll be so sweet


      • #4
        My brothers brother in law is a merge fan, I know, but he will have to do............ so hes gonna be the outlet for my scorn of them this week, just put a post on his fb page........that big red v is looking more like a big brown skid mark about now. The chokers will be shitting themselves all week if they win today.


        • #5
          i woke up this morning, thinking it was all a dream until i watched the replay to make sure!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Geohood View Post
            I would of liked to be around in 2002 to see what the feeling amongst the supporters on the forums were like.. how does it compare to now for those who were around?
            I wouldn't say it's a lot more satisfying, because it was pretty damn satisying back then, too. But what I would say is that there's a much greater sense of "look what we can do, and look how far we've come". When we had Fittler and Morley and Wing and Minichiello in full flight, we almost expected to win every week - including premierships. With this squad, I don't have the same pre-game confidence, because we haven't got as many big name players, but the sense of destiny that we had in 2002 seems intact.

