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I farking hate Gus Gould!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
    I really do not know what to make of him.I am just glad I was not born with his head
    I bet your mother is even gladder.


    • #32
      Gould supports where ever he has outlayed a his coin with the bookies, im guessing he has had plenty on the merge from day dot, and he has cashed in on last years dissapointment which would have burnt a hole in his wallet


      • #33
        I have always supported him n most of his views to the hill.
        Especially with friends n people i know that aren't chook supporters, they are always giving it to him.
        so here i am backin him, supporting him defending him occasionally getting into heated debate over him in support for him
        All along thinking to myself well i really do think he luvs the chooks n he's just trying to deflect his luv for us by trying not to show any bias in his commentary..
        Anyways i went n bought those sports ears at the game yesterday after $80bucks, the ones where u can hear both refs n TV broadcast, N i gotta say he was really really annoying me..
        I didn't like him much at all after yesterdays game i even expressed this to friends we went to visit after the game, they couldnt believe id turned on Gus.
        They did luv it though

