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Ryan williamson

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  • #46



    • #47
      Originally posted by gallus gallus View Post
      Ryan Williamson's most recent problem is a group known as _S_D_

      Care to buy a vowel?
      I don't get it I'm afraid.
      "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

      Thomas Jefferson


      • #48
        in other words , no ticker?


        • #49
          Originally posted by phantom View Post
          TOK is.....
          Yes, but when quizzed about his/her/it's real identity or the validity of TOK's so-called allegiance, all goes quiet.

          Without doubt this forum and other unofficial club forums provide much details for Beetroot Face & Bec "no skeltons in my closet" Wilson's gossip column each Sunday. Tyson "copy boy" Otto from the Daily Astonisher is a big fan of ours too .
          Todays journo's have got nothing in comparison to the past and respected ones i grew up with like Mike Gibson, Ian Heads, Geoff Prenter, Tim Prentice & Steve Hanson.


          • #50
            Originally posted by theGman View Post
            Yes, but when quizzed about his/her/it's real identity or the validity of TOK's so-called allegiance, all goes quiet.

            Without doubt this forum and other unofficial club forums provide much details for Beetroot Face & Bec "no skeltons in my closet" Wilson's gossip column each Sunday. Tyson "copy boy" Otto from the Daily Astonisher is a big fan of ours too .
            Todays journo's have got nothing in comparison to the past and respected ones i grew up with like Mike Gibson, Ian Heads, Geoff Prenter, Tim Prentice & Steve Hanson.
            To be fair to TOK, he has maintained he isn't a journalist (ok.. I can hear the snigger that no one who works there is lol) but take that at face value and why should he reveal who he is? After all this is an internet forum, should he give up his name and details? He has not denied he works at News so other than that he is just another forum poster.


            • #51
              Originally posted by TheLoneRooster View Post
              I don't get it I'm afraid.

              buy the letter "a"


              • #52
                Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post
                To be fair to TOK, he has maintained he isn't a journalist (ok.. I can hear the snigger that no one who works there is lol) but take that at face value and why should he reveal who he is? After all this is an internet forum, should he give up his name and details? He has not denied he works at News so other than that he is just another forum poster.
                EDIT: He is just another forum imposter.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                  buy the letter "a"
                  Thanks TOK, and I best leave it there I think.
                  "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

                  Thomas Jefferson

