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Outcast Braith shattered

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  • Originally posted by Chook View Post
    Actually Trew, Politis getting involved in contract negotiations has lead to a number of monumental fark ups recently so ToK's point is valid. Webster even mentions Mason and O'Merley. If you're so sure Smith is going to fail, you should at least grant him the opportunity to fail on his own merits without the interferance from the board regarding recruitment and retention.

    I agree with that chook. Thank god u have stopped abusing me. Not because it hurt my feelings just that it was so predictable
    barbarian ......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!


    • Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post
      Would it have anything to do with Smith cutting you at the Dragons.. I think I am getting much closer to the mark and understanding the vendetta.. Sad as you are actually a smart dude and post some pretty thought provoking stuff at times.
      Honestly no vendetta mate.
      Seriously, what do you really know about the personal relationships smith has had in 20 years at other clubs. What do his past assistants think of him?
      What do his closest friends think of him?

      You see I know the answer to some of those questions?
      Why does he now surround himself with family?

      Everyone can change
      But I doubt he can
      barbarian ......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!


      • Does anyone remember a story in the SMH about how Anasta's first contract was settled over a round of golf?


        • Originally posted by scr View Post
          Does anyone remember a story in the SMH about how Anasta's first contract was settled over a round of golf?
          Yep, legendary stuff ... how about the story about the cafe???

          I normally use the rule of thumb, that if someone in row 23 has heard about it then it's likely that the story has long departed from the truth.


          • Originally posted by Imadog View Post
            Yep, legendary stuff ... how about the story about the cafe???

            I normally use the rule of thumb, that if someone in row 23 has heard about it then it's likely that the story has long departed from the truth.
            Sorry, my mind had muddled up the story.

            Why Schubert is forced to go cap in hand to a player or manager scorned

            I did manage to find two great quotes from other articles:

            "I'm very disappointed about it. I was shattered when it all happened but that's just the way things go. I did have aspirations of playing my career out there."

            "The plan was to stay at the Bulldogs for my whole career, that didn't work out so I'm coming here with an attitude to stay here for the rest of my career."

            The first - Anasta about leaving the Bulldogs.

            The second - Mason about joining the Roosters.


            • Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
              That's a massive assumption to make about something you don't have all the facts on... seriously dude just take a step back before throwing around such accusations.
              assuming that Braith or any player is aware of whatever strategy a manager is employing with regards to getting him a new contract is far from a massive assumption

              it's entirely reasonable to expect that they talk about things together and decide on the best course of action, then the manager implements it

              what, do you think the manager just goes about things and the player has no idea what's happening?

              seriously dude...your love of Braith clouds your thinking


              • Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                That's a massive assumption to make about something you don't have all the facts on... seriously dude just take a step back before throwing around such accusations.
                Braith is the one being quoted in the papers both now and before the GF. I think TOK's assumption about him being as complicit as Willet is a fair one to make


                • Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                  assuming that Braith or any player is aware of whatever strategy a manager is employing with regards to getting him a new contract is far from a massive assumption

                  it's entirely reasonable to expect that they talk about things together and decide on the best course of action, then the manager implements it

                  what, do you think the manager just goes about things and the player has no idea what's happening?

                  seriously dude...your love of Braith clouds your thinking
                  What love for Braith? You can try and discredit me as much as you like to make your argument stronger but as much as I admire Braith and stand up for him I've never 'loved' him in fact I was one of the first people to say we should let him go before Carney even arrived.

                  Willett is scum, just google his name. All he cares about is the money that goes to his name... Braith signs reduced contract with the Roosters he gets 4% (or whatever it is). Braith signs 600k contract with French rugby he still gets 4%.

                  Happens all the time in English football, what a player wants and what a player gets are not often the same thing.


                  • Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                    What love for Braith? You can try and discredit me as much as you like to make your argument stronger but as much as I admire Braith and stand up for him I've never 'loved' him in fact I was one of the first people to say we should let him go before Carney even arrived.

                    Willett is scum, just google his name. All he cares about is the money that goes to his name... Braith signs reduced contract with the Roosters he gets 4% (or whatever it is). Braith signs 600k contract with French rugby he still gets 4%.

                    Happens all the time in English football, what a player wants and what a player gets are not often the same thing.
                    blah, blah, blah

                    as stated above by someone else, Braith's stirring things up in the papers himself, and this entire situation has been orchestrated to try and get Braith the biggest cash deal possible for his final contract, as has been with the case with his previous contracts

                    suggesting that Braith has no knowledge of this strategy and is playing no part in it is delusional

                    ps - 4% of a larger amount is a bigger return than 4% of a smaller amount, but no-one's suggesting Willett isn't trying to get as much for himself as possible. That's just you going off on a tangent


                    • Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                      blah, blah, blah

                      as stated above by someone else, Braith's stirring things up in the papers himself, and this entire situation has been orchestrated to try and get Braith the biggest cash deal possible for his final contract, as has been with the case with his previous contracts

                      suggesting that Braith has no knowledge of this strategy and is playing no part in it is delusional

                      ps - 4% of a larger amount is a bigger return than 4% of a smaller amount
                      , but no-one's suggesting Willett isn't trying to get as much for himself as possible. That's just you going off on a tangent
                      Thanks genius, love how you disregard 'the love' for Braith Anasta I'll take that as point conceded.

                      What situation is that? It's all guesswork at the moment what's apparent is his manager has been shopping him around for seasons when he was already contracted by the Roosters. A bloke wit a dodgy history no less.

                      I'll be waiting for the full facts before making any comments on Braith, his role in this is unknown at the moment. The assumption that he's fully aware to the situation because of his quotes which have no doubt been taken out of context is an unwarranted conclusion imo.

                      Then again conclusions drawn on minimal 'facts' is what you're famous for at the DT.


                      • Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                        Thanks genius, love how you disregard 'the love' for Braith Anasta I'll take that as point conceded.

                        What situation is that? It's all guesswork at the moment what's apparent is his manager has been shopping him around for seasons when he was already contracted by the Roosters. A bloke wit a dodgy history no less.

                        I'll be waiting for the full facts before making any comments on Braith, his role in this is unknown at the moment. The assumption that he's fully aware to the situation because of his quotes which have no doubt been taken out of context is an unwarranted conclusion imo.

                        Then again conclusions drawn on minimal 'facts' is what you're famous for at the DT.

                        and Braith new nothing of this?

                        you're very naive


                        • Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post

                          and Braith new nothing of this?

                          you're very naive
                          new or knew copyboy? Copyboy no hablo ingles??


                          • To be honest, anybody who thinks Anasta hasn't played a part in this being played out in the papers is jerkin the gherkin. If he din't want this in the papers its a simple 'no comment' when asked any questions about it. I also agree with TOK that he would have been well aware of what Willett's been up to. If not, Willett, would have been sacked long ago by Anasta.


                            • Originally posted by Headless Chook View Post
                              To be honest, anybody who thinks Anasta hasn't played a part in this being played out in the papers is jerkin the gherkin. If he din't want this in the papers its a simple 'no comment' when asked any questions about it. I also agree with TOK that he would have been well aware of what Willett's been up to. If not, Willett, would have been sacked long ago by Anasta.
                              Agree totally with this, and Braith has history of playing his contracts negotiations out in the media, espec when his current club are playing hardball. His move from the Dogs to the Roosters was a long drawn out public saga, not unlike this one. I can still remember DT story on Willett's comment about nearly choking on his apple crumble when dining at Uncle Georgie's house and apparently being 'advised' of what the Vermin were willing to offer. No doubt Willett added a few lazy grand to the figure for public report.

                              Braith Anasta is a quality person and player, but like many players, is far too dependent on his manager for advice on offield issues and when that manager is a crass publicity loving bloke like Willett, no good can come of it.

                              But in the end it's up to Anasta to maintain some level of control over the bloke he actually pays to look after his interests.

                              Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                              • Anasta has always danced to the cameras. Remember he was 5 times most overrated player voted by other players.
                                He has tarnished the club for his own ends.....just remember he is part owner of a sports management company.......for Bwaif it is all about the cash $$

