ISM I feel for your story, I have seen similar, guys absolutely taken to the cleaners only to be vindicated later on, I even know one that was accused of molesting his daughter (but didn't as admitted by the ex-wife later on)
Problem is that all the scumbags that actually are guilty of the crap against talso claim innocence. Its not always easy to tell the difference.
Its no consolation nor is it that I do not believe you, but thats the way it is unfortunately[/QUOT
What a load of meaningless, thought-disordered word salad. Why don't you try making about one tenth of the 2000 or so posts you have tortured the forum with. Try posting only when there is a chance you might have something to actually say.
And you try to mock me?
ISM I feel for your story, I have seen similar, guys absolutely taken to the cleaners only to be vindicated later on, I even know one that was accused of molesting his daughter (but didn't as admitted by the ex-wife later on)
Problem is that all the scumbags that actually are guilty of the crap against talso claim innocence. Its not always easy to tell the difference.
Its no consolation nor is it that I do not believe you, but thats the way it is unfortunately[/QUOT
What a load of meaningless, thought-disordered word salad. Why don't you try making about one tenth of the 2000 or so posts you have tortured the forum with. Try posting only when there is a chance you might have something to actually say.
And you try to mock me?