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Carney DUI

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  • Originally posted by The General View Post
    Ouch! Somebody's got some real issues with authority here.

    Yes and when police confiscate your pot they sit around the station smoking it right?
    if they dont smoke it they will sell it
    When you trust your television
    what you get is what you got
    Cause when they own the information
    they can bend it all they want

    John Mayer


    • Oh, and one more thing from this here penster with the "problem with authority":

      This happened at 7 am-ish? How long before it was in the media? 1 or 2 hours?

      We have so many police personnel at our disposal that they have time to contact the media to dob in somebody they don't like? Somebody who [I]is[I] somebody, unlike them. Useless desk fodder, frightened of the bad guys and frightened to do something to help the community. Shame on the scumbags at the police station who think we are paying our taxes to subsidize them telling tales to the media.

      How about this for an idea? How about the police start booking the scumbags I see driving and throwing their filthy cigarettes out of car windows every 20 metres I see on the roads? That to me is a lot more offensive than somebody driving with a measurable alcohol content on their breath, but clearly not intoxicated behind the wheel. Oh, but that's right, half the time it is the police throwing the ciggie butts out the windows themselves.

      This is a nothing story to try to drag down a superb talent who happens to play for the roosters. If you want to join them, f*uck off from this site.


      • Sounds like he was up till early morning having a few drinks, only had a few hours sleep and didn't have anything to eat or drink. Gets up early for a meeting and unluckily gets pulled over, it's stupid and a little reckless but to put it into perspective it's not a problem.

        It's not something a lot of people think about, all the advertising campaigns are directed at straight after you drink. Alcohol stays in your blood for 24 hours... get that message across.

        I know a bloke who drove on a Sunday after a big one the night before and didn't know any better, he was far from an alcoholic or a trouble maker. This story has been taken out of context because of Carney's past and he just has to cop that on the chin.

        I'm more concerned about a player doing ~ 140kms in an 80 zone, there's got to be some intent in there.


        • Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
          Sounds like he was up till early morning having a few drinks, only had a few hours sleep and didn't have anything to eat or drink. Gets up early for a meeting and unluckily gets pulled over, it's stupid and a little reckless but to put it into perspective it's not a problem..
          The day before a game?


          • Originally posted by Imadog View Post
            He's just a dumb kid, did all the right things last night when he "was on it". Woke up this morning and went about his business, unfortunately he hasn't factored in that he may still be over.

            Funny how trouble seems to find him though. What are the chances of the RBT to be in that position on the morning he decides to drive over the allowable limit for a p-plater.

            As far as him drinking, well it appears to be part of his make up. The club probably cuts him slack in the off season in order to ease the pressure on him being able to meet the expectations of being Mother Teresa during the season.

            Dumb? Yes. Criminal? hardly!!
            Dumb pretty much sums him up off the field and yes, you're right, funny how trouble seems to find him.
            "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

            Thomas Jefferson


            • Originally posted by Tom Verlaine's Ghost View Post
              The day before a game?
              Not for him it wasn`t.
              He is still recovering from groin surgery...


              • Originally posted by Tom Verlaine's Ghost View Post
                The day before a game?
                He is not playing.


                • Originally posted by TheLoneRooster View Post
                  Dumb pretty much sums him up off the field and yes, you're right, funny how trouble seems to find him.
                  Trouble lives with him, if it,s within the clubs control Jake and Todd shouldn,t be house mates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


                  • everybody just get over it... he ****ed up, he probably knows he ****ed up and thats all that matters.

                    And to all the people saying drop him and suspend him pull your heads in, you will all be the same people in 2 weeks time yelling his name from the rooftops for another man of the match game against the vermin.


                    • Originally posted by rabbitoharry View Post
                      When will the bloke learn ? it seems your club has all the blights now , Poo in the hallway man , Jake the wife & cop basher , someone else's prescription druggy & now this clown has repeated again ?

                      What a real shame for the game . No doubt this one will be brushed under the carpet too . Looks like this idiot will continue dragging your great club through the mud

                      Ring a bell dipshit??????




                      • Originally posted by player 1 View Post
                        And you try to mock me?
                        Mock you, I don't have to.

                        Self righteousness is an annoying trait and you seem to have an abundance.

                        Just remember next time something happens, it can't possible be your fault....
                        The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                        Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                        • Carney is a dickhead for not realising the cops are preying on him to fark up, both he and Friend are marked men around coogee, the slightest indescretion will become a Death Penalty act.

                          My 68 yo father does not drink often, just on a month ago he had 3 beers at a lawn bowls dinner, he arrived home a 1 am, was up at 5 to get the sunday paper as has been his custom for the last 20 years.

                          He was pulled over, breath tested and vlew 0.062, cops let him go with a warning.

                          All these cries of sackings, suspensions etc etc are ridiculous.

                          Just like the Anasta bullshit, some people here are quick to jump the gun.


                          • Originally posted by pearcesworstnightmare View Post
                            Carney is a dickhead for not realising the cops are preying on him to fark up, both he and Friend are marked men around coogee, the slightest indescretion will become a Death Penalty act.

                            My 68 yo father does not drink often, just on a month ago he had 3 beers at a lawn bowls dinner, he arrived home a 1 am, was up at 5 to get the sunday paper as has been his custom for the last 20 years.

                            He was pulled over, breath tested and vlew 0.062, cops let him go with a warning.

                            All these cries of sackings, suspensions etc etc are ridiculous.

                            Just like the Anasta bullshit, some people here are quick to jump the gun.
                            Spot on mate!


                            • Originally posted by Madduke View Post
                              I think we're seeing the emergence of another Seitamata Sa here.

                              A ultra-talented player with a bad attitude.

                              Who the hell does Carney think he is, Charlie Sheen?

                              No man, no matter how talented, is bigger than the club.
                              There must have been 2 Seitmata Sa's at the club.. The one I saw was average at best.


                              • Originally posted by The Brain View Post
                                Still he has probably breached some kind of contract shit etc so I guess he will suffer some kind of club penalty and possibly suspended for some time.
                                A lot of work and faith went into Carney last year and he is slowly stepping off the rails ..............dont kid ya selves I imagine there has been a problem for at least a couple of months.
                                The club isn't that stupid.. Without him we are ordinary.

