Originally posted by Funky Chicken
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Carney DUI
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe
Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View PostThat would be a first
Seriously though what do people expect. The guy has deep problems that may haunt him for the rest of his life. He showed tremendous guts last year. No matter how well he does he is going to have struggles. I think we need to be patient with him and offer him support. When, he does **** up again (and he will) lets just hope its less public.
however a lot of good can and should come of this. it should bring todds feet back to the ground and some of the other players and keep them hungry.....
Originally posted by phantom View PostI cant say I know todd at all, and neither do I know what "headspace" he must be at, but one thing I do know is today at the fan day he had the guts to front up and stand around for 2 hours signing autographs and having pictures taken without once looking like he did not want to be there....
For someone that just yesterday according to the media wanted to "quit the game", he sure managed to look like exactly the opposite....
And I take my hat off to him for being there in the first place....I know a lot of lesser men would have baulked the fan day all together......that took a lot of guts....
Originally posted by Funky Chicken View PostISM22,
Congratulations on one of the most moronic posts of the year so far.
1. How many cops do you know to base this statement on, or should it actually read "I'm not real smart and keep breaking the law, so when I get caught by the cops they are stalking and picking on me".
Best advice I can give you and anyone else is don't break the law, then you got nothing to worry about. Same as speeding, if you don't speed then they can have a speed camera van on every corner, and it won't be a problem.
2. Cops salaries in NSW are a lot better than you might think, so I really don't think jealousy is a factor, maybe in your petty mind but rest assured they have a lot better things to do.
Cops are often in a no win situation, in Todd's case by picking him up for drink driving people like you spout nonsense about the Police "stalking" him, yet if he crashes his car into a friend or relative of yours while DUI then people like you will be saying "where were the coppers, why didn't they pick him up?"
So perhaps next time base your post on actual facts, and don't let your anti-Police conpsiracy theories get in the way. Some Police are actually Roosters supporters, and are actually really nice people - you might see this if you took off your tin foil hat once in a while.
Clearly ISM22 has had personal experience being harassed by the jacks from his previous post, so he does have a right to speak on this subject, and I find his theory more than plausible.
You on the other hand are welcome to dress up in your mum's uniform and waive her pistol around in front of the mirror you tosser.
Turd Carney has become a fargin embarrassment to this club.
Needs another fargin tattoo imo, one right across his forehead saying
"Don't fargin serve me, i'm a fargin pi$$head alcoholic"
but leave the quotation marks off because i'm not sure that can fit.
Maybe he forgot to read his pledge on his back that morning in the mirror. Maybe he smashed the mirror in his house or maybe his tattoo should have been backwards so it's could be actually read in the mirror.
Fargin idiot.
Originally posted by player 1 View PostIs your mum a cop? That would explain your weak-arse post.
Clearly ISM22 has had personal experience being harassed by the jacks from his previous post, so he does have a right to speak on this subject, and I find his theory more than plausible.
You on the other hand are welcome to dress up in your mum's uniform and waive her pistol around in front of the mirror you tosser.
You're probably right I don't know what I'm talking about, I've only been a cop for 20 years, but I am sure that given your articulate ramblings that you know so much better.
If ISM22 has a right to speak because of his personal experiences, then surely I also have a right to express my views given my previous experiences?
If you don't agree with me that's fine, but "Tosser", what are you 12? Maybe you need to turn your Mum's computer off before she gets back from Redfern and goes mad at you.
Funny how much people on here and other forums have overreacted... it's a storm in a teacup and Carney needs to learn from this and never make another fk up with the law again, and preferably not drink as much as he did the other night to have an 0.052 reading in the morning... then again if he was caught doin something like 10km over the speed limit it would be front page news and another big issue again for everyone.
Originally posted by Funky Chicken View PostPlayer1,
You're probably right I don't know what I'm talking about, I've only been a cop for 20 years, but I am sure that given your articulate ramblings that you know so much better.
If ISM22 has a right to speak because of his personal experiences, then surely I also have a right to express my views given my previous experiences?
If you don't agree with me that's fine, but "Tosser", what are you 12? Maybe you need to turn your Mum's computer off before she gets back from Redfern and goes mad at you.
Settle down champ...
Noyce needs to stop with the interviews, it's becoming blatantly obvious the club don't want to do anything to hurt little Toddie, so obvious that it will backfire and the NRL will step in and stand him down for 2 - 4 weeks on the back of the pressure from the likes of ****wit Rothfield and his merry men.
Announce a solid fine, add a suspended element to it and stand him down for a week so we don't get really ****ed by this.
Originally posted by elo View PostNoyce needs to stop with the interviews, it's becoming blatantly obvious the club don't want to do anything to hurt little Toddie, so obvious that it will backfire and the NRL will step in and stand him down for 2 - 4 weeks on the back of the pressure from the likes of ****wit Rothfield and his merry men.
Announce a solid fine, add a suspended element to it and stand him down for a week so we don't get really ****ed by this.
Rothfield...LOL...which team does he support?
Hadley was just on the radio listing Todd's sins from 4 years ago and bellowing out "The judge told him "one more traffic incident and you could be [COLOR="Red"] behind bars" [COLOR]"
Hadley was also urging Gallop to sack Todd from Rugby League altogether for a time, and to ban any other clubs from signing him.
Hadley's had his day 'running' rugby League...time he was put out to pasture somewhere...and Rothfield-ilk went with him.
Hadley's a Parramatta supporter, isn't he?
Todd turned his life around, had a brilliant year, but is reportedly back on the booze.
Brian Smith said in the paper today that it's easy for a young guy to...after last year's success, ... think he's made it, and relax.
32% in the poll below want Todd put in jail.
Probably a band of fans from other clubs!
Carney attended yesterday's fan day at Waverley Bowling Club.
"They said it was up to me but I had to face it some time," Carney said.
"I'm a Roosters player and the fans have come to see the players. We want the fans to turn up to our matches."
Despite his latest indiscretion, the queue for his autograph was twice as long as any other player's.
>>>>> >>>>>
We already look like losing Nate Myles for the opening match, suspensed for a lifting tackle in the Foundation Cup, notice the refereeing hasn't changed from last year.
If Carney is fit he should be playing.
AA and a rehab plan is the way to go...maybe a fine too and donate it to road safety.
Lodge his car keys at the club until his P time is up in a few years.
I love Roosters fans, still lining up to support and encourage their 'wayward' player and get his autograph.Last edited by bondi-boy; 02-28-2011, 10:13 AM.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe