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  • #16
    Originally posted by Hot Chooks View Post
    Why does everyone want BJ gone from the wing. He will not play in the second row for years with the roosters. He has all the attributes to be a good winger!!
    They're not

    A fit Carney will be a better option.

    Does BJ think he's a winger ? I think what everyone is saying is what is BJ's position ? he's a keeper,no doubts.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ism22 View Post
      PS - I second Holmes... what has Perrett ever done wrong? Granted I only listened to the game, but I'm a fan of perrett.
      It is the complete and utter abomination that is his defensive positioning on the Wing.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Holmes View Post
        Hey Rocky,

        Perrett gives 100% every week. He's always intersted in the game and gives his all. He does have some bad games on occasions, but generally he has the teams interest at heart every week, and makes some good metres from dummy half. You could never call him out for being disinterested in the game.
        Cue the finch debate. Surely we should expect more from a player that trying hard. Leave that excuse for mini league.

        For a guy who has more than 100 games experience i expect less basic handling mistakes, less bad defensive reads and less pathetic tackle attempts (eg. see his miss on Tony Williams try today). Not only that, he has less pace and skill that the average FG winger.

        And remember if the tigers had some composure in last yrs semi we would have been outed in that game on the back of a poor perrett mistake.

        But he does run well from dummy half...
        Last edited by Rocky Rhodes; 03-20-2011, 11:17 PM.
        Who said 13 was an unlucky number? 13th Premiership in yr 13 on our 100th anniversary of our 1913 premiership.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ism22 View Post
          Yeah winning > all...
          On 2GB they kept saying "this is ridiculous!!! They need points and the man to score them is on the bench..."

          What was Smith thinking above all? Did he go in all cocky? Most of the injured players ended up playing + David Williams was back. It was always going to be a tricky game...

          PS - I second Holmes... what has Perrett ever done wrong? Granted I only listened to the game, but I'm a fan of perrett.

          A hell of a lot more than he has ever done right. Sure he runs from dummy half a lot, he was the best of a very bad bunch in 2009 (which ain't saying a lot) and he's a nice guy but these are his fundamental flaws;

          * He is far from the fastest winger in the NRL
          * He isn't a noted try scorer, and for all the people who say "neither is Darius Boyd" the difference being that Boyd sets up a hell of a lot of tries.
          * His defensive positioning is abyssmal (Often gives his man room on the outside and then doesn't have the pace to cover him)
          * In attack will try and get on the outside of his man down the sideline only to be put into touch (due to lack of pace). The best example of this is the second match we played against the Tigers, he did it 3 times in one game.
          * Is extremely shaky under the high ball
          * Is prone to regularly make school boy errors when under no pressure at all

          Give me Justin Carney who can also run out of dummy half, but is also very powerful, and fast with an ability to regularly break out of tackles. Perret hasn't improved in 110+ FG games so I can't see anything changing.


          • #20
            SKD made two of the best tackles on his opposite number that you will be able to see.

            However in true form he produced some garbage that still to this day plagues him.

            Whether it is concentration or just a lack of brains, he has a knack of making a big mistake at crucial times. Almost like clockwork. That knock on pretty much sealed the game for me, we were never gonna recover as we were shot at that time. We needed cool heads doing the hard yards up the middle to slow the momentum, not running across field with the ball in one hand.

            The positive for me is that he will carve up next week similar to when he got dropped in 09(?).

            I guess experience will teach him to read games and momentum better and to adjust his playing style accordingly. I just wish that would come soon(ever?) because he has played enough first grade to have that ability.


            • #21
              Brian Smith shouldn't pull off SKD or any of the other players for that matter

              but in all seriousness, SKD, was very unfairly done by. The knock-on happened cos he fell into the defenders knees. Could've happened at any time in the game and no biggie - players knock on. He was playing strong up until then in both attack and defence.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Funky Chicken View Post
                * His defensive positioning is abyssmal (Often gives his man room on the outside and then doesn't have the pace to cover him)
                Can you name even one occasion?

                Like a good winger all his decisions are telegraphed by his inside men his defence cops so much unwarranted criticism.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                  Can you name even one occasion?

                  Like a good winger all his decisions are telegraphed by his inside men his defence cops so much unwarranted criticism.
                  Hey Rooster6

                  Have a look at the Round 1 game against Souths, on a few occasions Perrett is caught too far in field and doesn't have the pace to get back. he was lucky though in that game as others cleaned up for him.

                  There were also a stack of these last year, if I can find video links I will post them here.

                  Personally I think the criticism of his defence is well warranted, he gets himself out of position too often for a player with as much experience as him. If he had the pace to turn and cover it wouldn't be so bad, but he doesn't...




                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Gary Worthless View Post
                    Brian Smith shouldn't pull off SKD or any of the other players for that matter

                    but in all seriousness, SKD, was very unfairly done by. The knock-on happened cos he fell into the defenders knees. Could've happened at any time in the game and no biggie - players knock on. He was playing strong up until then in both attack and defence.
                    He shouldn't leave it up to luck. In that situation you wrap the ball up tight and play high percentage football.

                    Momentum is pretty much the whole game these days and when it is against you, you have to dig in and play no frills football until it slowly changes. Our whole team was just trying to pull out a miracle play today instead of doing the hard yards. Pretty sure i heard Gus mention something similar in the telecast.

                    It's something the Stains do very well.


                    • #25
                      I can see alot of comments about Sam, with alot of here say and personal opinion.

                      and it is funny that after one loss in a 26 round season, this old chestnut comes up again.

                      During last season, his partnership with SKD was one of the best wing centre partnerships in the NRL.

                      he is known as one of the best ball runners in the game and one of the hardest players to tackle in the game.

                      it is funny that in one game, he can be considered for sacking.

                      Anyone heard of knee jerk reaction????

                      Just adding to this, if people want a reference for a poor performance by a player, i recommend watching the first half of Huddersfield V Wigan from this weekend. Amos Roberts is playing fullback, his positional play in defence and under the high ball in this game is nothing less that attrocious. Now amos is a player that has played for MANY years and has well over 150 games of experience.

                      if you think i am trying to compare Sammy to Amos......then you are missing the point by a long shot.

                      Delecto Oriens est odio Meridianus
                      To love Easts is to hate Souffs

                      Originally posted by Bill Shankley, Liverpool FC
                      At a football club, there’s a holy trinity – the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don’t come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.
                      Originally posted by Andy Raymond Commentating Souffs V Manly 18/04/09
                      The fireworks at the Easter show are making more noise than the crowd tonight


                      • #26
                        My god....

                        Seriously, Do you have faith in your team? do you love your team? cos your all out with pitch forks and looking for heads...Calm down, its round 2. I trust in the players we have, and i think they will come together, All you people need to show more faith in your team, some of the comments in this thread are not supportive at all towards the team.

                        As for Sam, the guy is a damn work horse, When we are in a tight spot i can almost predict Sam will take a big run from dummy half to get our team rolling, Give some of the players some slack! Round 2 and your demanding players be dumped or dropped..

                        its a loooong year, We played bad on sunday, but its not the end of the world, Chin up , Support your team!.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by IIRoosterManII View Post

                          As for Sam, the guy is a damn work horse, When we are in a tight spot i can almost predict Sam will take a big run from dummy half to get our team rolling, Give some of the players some slack! Round 2 and your demanding players be dumped or dropped..

                          Perret isn't a try scoring machine, he's a solid winger that any other teams would snap up if he came on the open market. He's a hard trainer and a no bullshit player.

                          When you watch your own team play you become a harsh judge. There is heaps worse wingers in the NRL.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post
                            Smith is a hyprocrite. SKD makes one mistake yet gets benched.
                            According to Smith at the press conference SKD was benched for the hands-on-hips stuff Vasco alluded to in the OP. Smithy reckons SKD looked so "spent" after 15 minutes of the second half, he was wondering if he was ill.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by junglefowl View Post
                              According to Smith at the press conference SKD was benched for the hands-on-hips stuff Vasco alluded to in the OP. Smithy reckons SKD looked so "spent" after 15 minutes of the second half, he was wondering if he was ill.
                              Might have been to do with teh turps, Kings Cross, and Jar-head
                              Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post
                                Smith is a hyprocrite. SKD makes one mistake yet gets benched. Perrett's whole career is a mistake yet never seems to get dropped. Our other winger, the polynesian michael Appleby isn't much better.

                                We needed to score points yet smith benched our gamebreaker.
                                BJ is gonna be a star

