Seems to me the team is at the crossroads,they are basking in what they think was the glory of last year,FFS there nothing glorious in meekly rolling over for farking St Merge in the grandfinal.Everyone around here was up in arms about all the league journo's writing us off,well if the team dish that shyte up all year, maybe they could be right.Time for them to have a go,you could see it in the trials,Coggy's right one win against Souths is nothing to crow about.These boys are goin back to the old bad habbits, making head lines in the society pages instead of the sport section.
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Idon't understand your critisism of Mini's game yesterday, he was out there courageously taking the ball to the line,something our halves did'nt seem too interested in doing, I think he also topped metres gained for our team. In a team that showed little enthusiasm Mini was keen to get stuck in with a handful of other team members, We will need to be a lot hungrier against the dogs.