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Kane Evans.

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  • Kane Evans.

    Gee I think we aren't even close to tapping into this kids ability using him the way we do. IMO should be doing his work a whole lot wider than he is. I don't like to see him get the ball 1, or even 2 out. On the rare occasion he is given more room thats when we see hour destructive he is. The big boys close in handle him with ease, but out wider his size,strength, speed( gets along surprisingly quickly) and offloads would cause havoc. When he comes on some of the other pigs could push in and roll up there sleeves allowing Kane to shine out wide. Just my opinion but using him close to the ruck is a waste.

  • #2
    I agree. I would love to see him wider. The one thing we no longer have is the wide running back rower, like what Penrith have with Bryce Cartwright. We play the power game up the middle which I suppose is a lot safer. And if it's not broke...don't fix it.
    Still, I reckon it would add another string to our bow.
    Embrace the Hate! JC


    • #3
      Originally posted by Easts75 View Post
      Gee I think we aren't even close to tapping into this kids ability using him the way we do. IMO should be doing his work a whole lot wider than he is. I don't like to see him get the ball 1, or even 2 out. On the rare occasion he is given more room thats when we see hour destructive he is. The big boys close in handle him with ease, but out wider his size,strength, speed( gets along surprisingly quickly) and offloads would cause havoc. When he comes on some of the other pigs could push in and roll up there sleeves allowing Kane to shine out wide. Just my opinion but using him close to the ruck is a waste.
      Kind of agree Easts75...his strange build is more effective a bit wider with space...the tight stuff is better left to the shorter solid guy.


      • #4
        I said the same thing at the beginning of last year and got shot down.

        He is more suited to the edges imho.
        Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


        • #5
          Originally posted by Roosterfarian View Post
          I said the same thing at the beginning of last year and got shot down.

          He is more suited to the edges imho.
          in attack absolutely but lateral defense would be a worry.


          • #6
            He has enough problems with lateral movement in defence in the middle. Wide he would be a laughing stock. Also, he has no idea what to do when he makes a line break.

            Let him be.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post
              He has enough problems with lateral movement in defence in the middle. Wide he would be a laughing stock. Also, he has no idea what to do when he makes a line break.

              Let him be.
              Piss take fail there Johnny, Left edge is Kanes domain.


              • #8
                We could always let him attack on the edges and then defend in the middle.


                • #9
                  Kane is progressing nicely.

                  Give him a couple of more seasons to mature and he'll be something special.


                  • #10
                    I thunk Robbo knows what he us doing weth Kiln Ovens bro's.

