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FINE... have your way...

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  • FINE... have your way...

    I just had a word with Smith. He told me he's been reading this forum and wants to put all the suggestions in place because he's outta ideas. He's called a press conference today where he will sack:
    - Politis
    - Carney
    - Myles
    - Pearce
    - Anasta
    - Mini
    - FPN
    - Graham
    - Piggy
    - Conn
    - Ryles

    He's also open to suggestions as to who else he should sack.

    Symonds WILL be the captain and since there aren't many players on the market right now we'll be relying on Jets/NYC players to step up.

    As part of his speech, Smith has asked all doubters to shut up, back the boys and not threaten to support Souffs/St Merge/Brisbane when we lose (which will be frequently because we lack a team.) He told me to expect the spoon and some serious cash flow issues granted Nick has been sacked, but this is the people's club and he is sure that those who asked for it will get behind the boys.

    After the conference Smith will fall on his sword, resign and apologise for doing absolutely nothing for the club. The NSW Origin prodigy Craig Bellamy (with a 0-4 record at Origin level) will be replacing him as head coach. All the trainers will be sacked and the Roosters will be looking for successful amateurs on Gumtree for the next week. Having a first aid certificate and level 0 general principals of coaching will be seen as a bonus. Anybody who has ever had a rough time coaching/training for an NRL team need not apply - we only want WINNERS!


    Yay... we can look forward to triple figure scores against us every week now rather than simply losing tight arm wrestles (like we have the past 2 weeks.) Thanks boys for all your suggestions...

  • #2
    Oh dear!! Guess it was one of those things that sounded funny in your head before you wrote it hey?

