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He Who Laughs Last

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  • He Who Laughs Last

    Love Jonathon Thurston as a player, he's absolutely tremendous and in my eyes a better footballer than any of the other mugs from Qld they keep saying should be immortals. Having said that I would really enjoy it if we played the Cowboys in a GF and smashed them. I can already imagine Pearce saying ' I will send you a photo of me lifting the Provan-Summons trophy as's probably as close as you will ever get to it!

  • #2
    Thurston is a great player but has never struck me as having much class - bit of a mug lair in my opinion.

    The footy that matters starts now!


    • #3
      He's certainly a great player. I don't think he's rver hit the heights of Joey or Freddy, despite the overblown media hype.

      But he's definitely in that next rung of players.

      And yes, Pearce will have the last laugh. The Cowboys don't defend well enough to win a Premiership. Never have.

      Our back five will absolutely murder theirs. Watching Linnett mark up against Fergo will be hilarious. Especially on the back of our forwards who can easily match it with them.


      • #4
        I did read about that.

        Absolutely zero class from a so called role model.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Headless Chook View Post
          Love Jonathon Thurston as a player, he's absolutely tremendous and in my eyes a better footballer than any of the other mugs from Qld they keep saying should be immortals. Having said that I would really enjoy it if we played the Cowboys in a GF and smashed them. I can already imagine Pearce saying ' I will send you a photo of me lifting the Provan-Summons trophy as's probably as close as you will ever get to it!
          Thirston has won a gf with the dogs however he is a douche bag from his efforts in coffs to his powder scandal at the dogs and his covered up scandals in Townsville. I hope Pearce and co ram a victory right up his blurted


          • #6
            Originally posted by 2026 View Post
            I did read about that.

            Absolutely zero class from a so called role model.

            Not sure who has class these days, and it's not like joey or freddy had class off the field, gone are players with class such a Menzies, furner or fitzgibbon.


            • #7
              Originally posted by milanja View Post

              Not sure who has class these days, and it's not like joey or freddy had class off the field, gone are players with class such a Menzies, furner or fitzgibbon.
              Freddy's a gentleman


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tommy Smith View Post
                He's certainly a great player. I don't think he's rver hit the heights of Joey or Freddy, despite the overblown media hype.

                But he's definitely in that next rung of players.

                And yes, Pearce will have the last laugh. The Cowboys don't defend well enough to win a Premiership. Never have.

                Our back five will absolutely murder theirs. Watching Linnett mark up against Fergo will be hilarious. Especially on the back of our forwards who can easily match it with them.
                Thurston is far superior to the players you mentioned and is the greatest I've seen in my lifetime.


                • #9
                  Freddy is my all time favourite though and was great to watch. Sledging is sledging. And to be fair, it was a good one because we know it would have cut Pearce. At the end of the day though if Pearce can have multiple premierships then I'm sure he'll be content, as will Thurston who has achieved everything the game has to offer bar captaining his side to a premiership.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bigchook View Post
                    Freddy is my all time favourite though and was great to watch. Sledging is sledging. And to be fair, it was a good one because we know it would have cut Pearce. At the end of the day though if Pearce can have multiple premierships then I'm sure he'll be content, as will Thurston who has achieved everything the game has to offer bar captaining his side to a premiership.
                    I wish i was in that conversation.

                    I'd of told JT that my bladder is on 1st name basis with that bronze statue he's referring too.


                    • #11
                      As if you would call someone who is playing as well as Thurston, "old". Pearce may not be the worst, but perhaps one of the dumbest.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bigchook View Post

                        Thurston is far superior to the players you mentioned and is the greatest I've seen in my lifetime.
                        You might not have been watching closely enough. I'd rate him a distant third myself, but your opinion is as valid as anyone else's.


                        • #13
                          All a bit of fun. But if the roosters do beat the cows in the GF, Mitchell won't rub JT's nose in it. He always plays the ball and not the man.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post

                            You might not have been watching closely enough. I'd rate him a distant third myself, but your opinion is as valid as anyone else's.
                            I'm forced to watch Thurston closely as my Mrs supports them. He is the most instinctual player I've ever seen. So durable. His cover defence is amazing. His kicking game is perfect. And above all that, his ability to control and close a game is second to none. Far more consistent than Johns or Freddy in my opinion. But as you said, everyone is entitled to theirs.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post

                              You might not have been watching closely enough. I'd rate him a distant third myself, but your opinion is as valid as anyone else's.
                              If i had a choice of 5/8 post 87 (earliest i remember)to choose from i would struggle to split freddy, cliffy and daley. A scrumbase of daley, johns and freddy would go ok.

                              cliffy is the best ball playing 5/8 i have watched though.

