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Deletion of threads and Censorship - Chookpen or Communinst China

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  • Deletion of threads and Censorship - Chookpen or Communinst China

    Deletion of threads and Censorship - Chookpen or Communinst China Today, 10:31 AM

    As we all know this once very good forum has fallen apart these days. It was almost completely dead but a few diehards seem to have returned in recent months.

    This used to be a place where open discussion and general shenanigans were fine.

    What has it come to when certain members come up with a plot to attempt to manipulate the media and the NRL and the mods delete threads based on other members not agreeing with the content? There was no particular foul language or abuse in the thread that was deleted. Are difference of opinions not matters to be discussed on forums?

    This is not the first time that those concerned have attempted to manipulate people to achieve their goals.

    How can a man work for the Roosters and then creep onto social media and attempt to manipulate the club and still remain employed? How is that possible? Most people would find themselves unemployed after constantly leaking information on social media that may be private or sensitive.

    If Chookpen members do not agree with the party line must they remain quite for fear of being condemned as anti-Roosters?

    You guys have killed this forum. In my view this agenda driven censorship is unacceptable.

  • #2
    What did I miss ? Damn !


    • #3
      I have no problem with threads being deleted when there is such things as personal abuse or racism in them. Neither of those things lead to interesting discussion between Roosters fans.

      Bravo mods.

      By the way, I assume you are alleging Katzmann is/was employed by the Roosters? Never let the facts get in the way.

      Not sure what "confidential information" you are talking about. Easy to say.
      Last edited by Johnny Tobin; 07-17-2015, 12:50 PM.


      • #4
        I agree this is why I only post to the NRL subbreddit where nothing is deleted


        • #5
          Don't attempt to manipulate it further Tobin. There was no racism or abuse in the thread that was deleted except the personal abuse written by you. And anyway one of the worst things here is the tolerance of racism and homophobia which I deplore.

          And you know who I am talking about Tobin.


          • #6
            "F**K KATZMANN"? Yeah, that was real heartwarming.

            "Jewish Lawyers"? No racism there.


            If you stay within the accepted boundaries of a civilised society none of that happens. I implore you to do so.


            • #7
              Isn't there another Roosters site now that you can go to where you can be racist, prejudice, blasphemous, homophobic and have multiple personalities without being judged?

              Isn't it an easy solution if one feels this site has fallen apart?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post
                "F**K KATZMANN"? Yeah, that was real heartwarming.

                "Jewish Lawyers"? No racism there.


                If you stay within the accepted boundaries of a civilised society none of that happens. I implore you to do so.
                Admit you and Katzman are in cahoots Tobin. You two tried to screw Mini and failed. That is a fact. You guys have hatched a new plan and it has backfired spectacularly.

                Perhaps Newman can get on here and share his thoughts.

                Wanting a Jewish lawyer is not racist. Can I not employ a French chef or an Italian craftsman? If you think that is racist or anit-semitic then I would suggest you are out of touch with modern society.
                Last edited by Teriyaki Chicken Boy; 07-17-2015, 01:14 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post

                  Admit you and Katzman are in cahoots Tobin. You two tried to screw Mini and failed. That is a fact. You guys have hatched a new plan and it has backfired spectacularly.

                  Perhaps Newman can get on here and share his thoughts.

                  Wanting a Jewish lawyer is not racist.
                  It doesn't always work out well though, sometimes you are better off going with the Swedish lawyer.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUDDY View Post
                    Isn't there another Roosters site now that you can go to where you can be racist, prejudice, blasphemous, homophobic and have multiple personalities without being judged?

                    Isn't it an easy solution if one feels this site has fallen apart?

                    AGREE 100%.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post

                      Admit you and Katzman are in cahoots Tobin. You two tried to screw Mini and failed. That is a fact. You guys have hatched a new plan and it has backfired spectacularly.

                      Perhaps Newman can get on here and share his thoughts.

                      Wanting a Jewish lawyer is not racist. Can I not employ a French chef or an Italian craftsman? If you think that is racist or anit-semitic then I would suggest you are out of touch with modern society.
                      Pot, kettle, black TCB - in fact you are manipulating and you know called him out by reference.

                      Anyway, whatever your gripe/s are, just lay down your gun please.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post
                        Deletion of threads and Censorship - Chookpen or Communinst China Today, 10:31 AM

                        As we all know this once very good forum has fallen apart these days. It was almost completely dead but a few diehards seem to have returned in recent months.

                        This used to be a place where open discussion and general shenanigans were fine.

                        What has it come to when certain members come up with a plot to attempt to manipulate the media and the NRL and the mods delete threads based on other members not agreeing with the content? There was no particular foul language or abuse in the thread that was deleted. Are difference of opinions not matters to be discussed on forums?

                        This is not the first time that those concerned have attempted to manipulate people to achieve their goals.

                        How can a man work for the Roosters and then creep onto social media and attempt to manipulate the club and still remain employed? How is that possible? Most people would find themselves unemployed after constantly leaking information on social media that may be private or sensitive.

                        If Chookpen members do not agree with the party line must they remain quite for fear of being condemned as anti-Roosters?

                        You guys have killed this forum. In my view this agenda driven censorship is unacceptable.

                        I am not privy to the material that was deleted but if it weren't for the fact that it would only incite you more I would delete this delusional rant immediately.

                        You really think that the people that moderate this board are in cahoots with the Roosters Football club!


                        TCB you were a pain in the arse for a long time but I thought in this incarnation you had turned over a new leaf.

                        Clearly I was wrong.


                        • #13
                          The Roosters should release a range of red white and blue tinfoil hats. They'd make a fortune off of Teriyaki Chicken Boy by the looks of it


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post

                            Admit you and Katzman are in cahoots Tobin. You two tried to screw Mini and failed. That is a fact. You guys have hatched a new plan and it has backfired spectacularly.

                            Perhaps Newman can get on here and share his thoughts.

                            Wanting a Jewish lawyer is not racist. Can I not employ a French chef or an Italian craftsman? If you think that is racist or anit-semitic then I would suggest you are out of touch with modern society.

                            Katzmann was open and upfront about his beliefs.

                            Katzmann was never in contact with Rothfield about Mini - despite the beliefs of some conspiracy theorists.

                            I have no control over what "Newman" does.

                            We didn't "hatch a plan". We shared a common belief. People listen to Katzmann because his opinion is respected. Nobody listens to me or anyone else on here because we are insignificant.

                            And you know exactly what you were saying with the "Jewish lawyer" bit. As I said, don't treat us like idiots.

                            I also struggle to understand why you are so against this "agenda" of shining a spotlight on the penalty situation.

                            Like Red, I was duped into thinking you had achieved a new level of maturity and had become a responsible member of this forum. I was even enjoying some of your contributions. Silly fools we are.
                            Last edited by Johnny Tobin; 07-17-2015, 03:21 PM.


                            • #15
                              the sky is falling the sky is falling
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