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Deletion of threads and Censorship - Chookpen or Communinst China

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post

    Tobin and his mate Newman (Alan Katzmann who was banned from the Chookpen) led a campaign a while back to force Mini out of the club. They failed and both looked like a pair of asses.
    You have no idea what you are talking about.

    I have been accused of being Newman.

    Now it's Katzmann.

    Hell, earlier today you were convinced Katzmann was an employee of the club.

    You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    But you never have been one to let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory.

    Put your tin hat back on and try to find an electrical storm to stand in.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

      Indeed...I think it's another not unfamiliar case of fans assuming responsibility that is beyond their role.

      It's more the domain of coaches, recruiters, chairman of the club etc.

      Finchy copped the same rubbish and campaigns from fans stepping outside their boundaries.
      Finch was hopeless and deserved everything he got. Fans who criticise players are stepping outside their boundaries now? If anyone has a right to an opinion it's the fans.


      • #48
        Originally posted by John Corey View Post

        Was that coz of Minis form? Or some other reason?

        I remember that Newman fellow. Came across as an intellectual with inside knowledge. I didn't realise it was Alan though. I remember his final post. Was not a happy boy.
        You think Newman was Katzmann because this clown says so? I have a Harbour Bridge for sale if you want it.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post

          I believe it was because they felt they knew better than the people are paid to know better.
          I am pretty sure you have criticised a player at some time in your life. Nobody likes a hypocrite - even one who has achieved so much.


          • #50
            Anyway, back to the subject. The thread was deleted because the behaviour of someone who contributed to it was unacceptable. This place is a great place to be when people are being civil and sticking to the issues. When some aren't it's a drag.

            This thread should be deleted too.
            Last edited by Johnny Tobin; 07-17-2015, 09:35 PM.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post

              Finch was hopeless and deserved everything he got. Fans who criticise players are stepping outside their boundaries now? If anyone has a right to an opinion it's the fans.
              You miss the point.

              Opinions are fine but individual campaigns against players or coaches is overstepping the mark.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                You miss the point.

                Opinions are fine but individual campaigns against players or coaches is overstepping the mark.
                I guess that depends on degrees and I am happy to agree to disagree.

                I would never stand in the way of a fan who wants to express their views on a player - no matter what form it takes. Fans own the game. The more passionate the better. I suppose my boundary is wider than yours.

                I still remember the flack I copped in 2001 on the Pen saying I booed the team. Not to mention "Shittler". I still think fans are entitled to boo if they want.
                Last edited by Johnny Tobin; 07-17-2015, 09:54 PM.


                • #53
                  I had forgotten about that cute little campaign by Katz and JT. The letter to Politis listing all the reasons why Mini shouldn't be in the team including all these stats and other junk, with a thread made about it here listing the same info. Was pages and pages long!

                  If I recall the only reaction it got from the club was Politis telling Katz to stop emailing him or he'd take action. One of the highlights of a verty average 2011 for the Roosters, haha


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                    You miss the point.

                    Opinions are fine but individual campaigns against players or coaches is overstepping the mark.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post

                      I am pretty sure you have criticised a player at some time in your life. Nobody likes a hypocrite - even one who has achieved so much.
                      I didnt try to get anyone fired dickhead. Thats your style.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post
                        Anyway, back to the subject. The thread was deleted because the behaviour of someone who contributed to it was unacceptable. This place is a great place to be when people are being civil and sticking to the issues. When some aren't it's a drag.

                        This thread should be deleted too.
                        How are you allowed anywhere near the team with your big mouth?


                        • #57
                          Blah. Blah. Blah.

                          Wank. Wank.

                          White noise.

                          Just about time to ignore you again.


                          • #58
                            Thread closed. Time to separate the brats


                            • #59
                              Well, I think that we've covered plenty of ground in this thread and I believe everybody has had an opportunity to contribute.

                              I can't see any sense in keeping this thread open so I will now close it.

                              If anyone feels that more needs to be said feel free to PM about re-opening the topic.

