you can now see why murdoch tries so hard to keep tony abbott and the fiberals in power theryve effe3ctivly killed the nbn, thus foxtel can continue a bit easier? its 50%owned by murdoch. id love to see netflix gert the nrl even fetch tv on optus, anyone but foxtel yet again
No announcement yet.
Evil Gnome Murdoch is Cranky as Hell
I'm stuck with austar for the foreseeable future, but I gather it's a notch above 9 (which I can't pick up).
It's their agenda driven shows during the week that let us down.
What have we got?
The Ikin squawk.
Sterlo kisses the ass of pet guest show.
The Johns "comedy hour"
All these pathetic efforts have one thing in common.
They seem to spend a lot of air time covering other sports.
Originally posted by 2026 View PostSalvo - Isn't it annoying watching a game on your tablet or phone? It's too small bro.
It's like watching ants play footy.
I'd be lying if I claimed it was better than an HD TV, but with it, live games and free-to-air I'm happy.
Plus I have an Apple TV through which I can technically push the media to a TV, but I prefer my mad couch sitch.Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...
Originally posted by OMR View PostI'm definitely cancelling my two outlets of Foxtel after this season, and even though I'm not a great fan of channel 9 , its ally cheaper to get a season pass with the NRL and watch games on smart TV, phone, tablet etc....
League was the only reason I subscribe to Foxtel and now so pissed off that if they prefer AFL then let's see how many top rating programs they get without the league games.
I hope mr smith & co have the balls not to give the rights to Foxtel unless they match the AFL deal.
After the fallout from SuperLeague, I have never and will never subscribe to their serviceWritten and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland
Originally posted by 2026 View PostSalvo - Isn't it annoying watching a game on your tablet or phone? It's too small bro.
It's like watching ants play footy.Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland
Originally posted by The Axe View PostIt's really quite good. You are portable. I think if you invest in Apple TV you can project it onto the TV. Better experts on here than me can confirm this
Cheers boys and girls.
Originally posted by milanja View Post
Chromecast $39.
I only get foxtel for league, other sport is a bonus, but i can live without them if the nrl is poorly shown.
Can anyone else still do this?