The time taken to rule against the Fergo try (from Elliott's touch) was absurd.
I am not disputing the ruling, but the teams could have left the field, had a couple of beers and returned to the field in the time Steve Chiddy took to review the incident.
He was determined to find an error and, 300 replays and the use of a scanning electron microscope later, he made his ruling.
Meanwhile, Guerra's try was disallowed in an instant because Friend made the mistake of running behind him just after releasing the ball...
I am not disputing the ruling, but the teams could have left the field, had a couple of beers and returned to the field in the time Steve Chiddy took to review the incident.
He was determined to find an error and, 300 replays and the use of a scanning electron microscope later, he made his ruling.
Meanwhile, Guerra's try was disallowed in an instant because Friend made the mistake of running behind him just after releasing the ball...