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William Hopoate

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  • William Hopoate

    What are everyone's opinions on him? I actually played against him a couple years back in a Harol Matts game...always been class.

    He's off contract aswell...

  • #2
    Well maybe we should sign you then Wonderboy. Did you carve him up or what??


    • #3
      no different to any other tongan, great one minute crap the next...
      Last edited by bigben; 05-09-2011, 03:45 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View Post
        Well maybe we should sign you then Wonderboy. Did you carve him up or what??
        Well we actually won that game...intercept try on the buzzer. But no, I dont play league anymore. Aussie Rules is the sport that best compliments Cricket


        • #5
          u r a home oh


          • #6
            One of the very few players I believe the hype about. But he will cost a packet and a half.


            • #7
              Hoppa Jnr would be an ideal replacement for Mini. Likely to stay loyal at the Sea Eagles, however there are limited opportunities at fullback (preferrd position) with Stewart back, as well as closer to the ball like centre. Sunday radio said Wolfman would be squeezed out at Manly and the roosters are interested. Mattai will be next to go. Bulldogs are also reported chasing Hoppa Jnr hard, must want to play him in the centres as a replacement for Idris.


              • #8
                I'd love to get Hoppa Jr and Hoppa Jr Jr and Jr Jr Jr and Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr and all the other Jrs

                Shouldnt we sick Peter Sullivan onto them? he had the success with Izzy!


                • #9
                  Word I am hearing on this side of town is that Hoppa snr is not happy that Jr wants to go and do the Mormon thing for 2 years. No cash for the family! And that Manly are looking at signing up other Hoppa offspring.

                  We had Hoppa's uncle/cuz? Albert a few years ago. Went away for 2 yrs, came back to footy but was never the same.

                  I think there is a kid from the Titans that did the same, Rankin?, with the same ending. Now this guys younger brother wants to go through the same Mormon process.

                  It would be crazy to spend a shit-load of cash if he is out of the game for 2 yrs, whether it is Hoppa jr or anyone else. Wait till he gets back.

                  And yes, Uncle Nick went hard last yr for Hoppa jr. Not even the "old brown paper bag trick" worked!

                  Bottom line, if by some miracle Hoppa jr leaves Manly, he will be on massive coin.


                  • #10
                    The mormon thing makes no sense if you are not a crazy yank. As somebody said, it is most likely just a money grab...


                    • #11
                      If given the choice, I'd rather an islander come at me with a bible instead of a knife so God bless him.


                      • #12
                        I watched the Dragons game yesterday and I think Kyle Stanley is worth a look if we can't get hoppa.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ben94 View Post
                          I watched the Dragons game yesterday and I think Kyle Stanley is worth a look if we can't get hoppa.
                          Signed a new contract not long ago. Good player.


                          • #14
                            I say yet again, David Oldfield's nephew is the one to go for.


                            • #15
                              so Uncle nick took a swing at Hoppa jr lat year?

                              was he off contract last year as well?

                              i am sure I read somewhere that Izzy Folau and all these Morons give up 50% of income to the Moron Chruch

