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  • Guerra

    Loyal mate or just plain silly?

    Opinions are divided on his decision to support his origin team mate.

    Has he single handedly undermined Robbo and the "We don't lie down, we don't play for penalties,' policy?

    I'm curious to know if he sought out the clubs approval before acting.

  • #2
    Yes, Canavan confirmed that he had the Club's green light to act as a witness.


    • #3

      Cheers mate.


      • #4
        Was it ever 'we don't play for penalties' ?
        Everytime you fight to get up and play the ball quickly, you're playing for a penalty. Everytime you lose the ball then complain to the ref that it was stripped ..that's playing for a penalty. All teams (including us) have always done that
        I always thought the Trobbo edict was we don't lie down for a penalty ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hawkeye View Post
          Was it ever 'we don't play for penalties' ?
          Everytime you fight to get up and play the ball quickly, you're playing for a penalty. Everytime you lose the ball then complain to the ref that it was stripped ..that's playing for a penalty. All teams (including us) have always done that
          I always thought the Trobbo edict was we don't lie down for a penalty ?
          As quoted after the Round 4 - 2014 game vs Manly during the post match presser.

          "We don't lie down, we don't play for penalties. We might be wrong, but that's our ethic. We don't play for penalties. We openly talk about it. We are not going to lie down. We are going to stand up and keep fighting. We will let the footy gods decide. It's not in the spirit of the game"


          • #6
            I don't think Hodges wouldn't have done it ( coming to our aid ) and I thought the tackle was deserving of more than one week, He lifted past the horizontal and Guerra landed on his head. Personally I think Guerra is a knob for acting as a witness for Hodges whether it's a mates thing or a Queenslander thing I truly don't care, he should be livid with the tackle as he could have ended up like Alex McKinnon.


            • #7
              He never jumped at all, that was crap to save Hodges, but mates do things like that for eachother, it did leave a sour taste in the mouth of footy fans however. He made the decision to say he jumped, so he has to live with it now, I hope in the off season he learns how to pass the football instead of improving his jumping skills.


              • #8
                Opinions aren't divided amongst roosters fans. Guerra got a black eye.


                • #9
                  Didn't realise there was controversy re this. Players come out all the time when another player is charged at the judiciary. It's not so much playing for a penalty it's more what happens on the field stays on the field and not wanting to see another suspended for something like that. Contextually I would hope every player in the nrl would do their best to support a retiring player have his send off in a gf. It'd be sour grapes if a player didn't. Even if that player is a flop like hodges.


                  • #10
                    Summed up Guerra's crappola of a year in the RWB.

                    What a wanker..
                    Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


                    • #11
                      news ltd gets their fairy tail finish.
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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bigchook View Post
                        Didn't realise there was controversy re this. Players come out all the time when another player is charged at the judiciary. It's not so much playing for a penalty it's more what happens on the field stays on the field and not wanting to see another suspended for something like that. Contextually I would hope every player in the nrl would do their best to support a retiring player have his send off in a gf. It'd be sour grapes if a player didn't. Even if that player is a flop like hodges.
                        Had he not said he was trying to play for a penalty there wouldn't be an issue.


                        • #13
                          I think those wanting to boil Guerra in oil are taking it too far.

                          I can understand him wanting to help a mate get to his last gf. But he didn't need to even mention the "to milk a penalty" crap. He put his head on the block unnecessarily there, again to make absolutely sure Hodgo got cleared.

                          All he needed to say was his contribution was an instinctive act in the moment..."diving"...and leave it at that.

                          Now I don't think he did dive for a minute...however that explanation would likely have kept everyone a lot happier and served its purpose. Hodges gets off regardless.

                          And don't forget Guerra played some very good footy at the back end of our season.
                          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                          • #14
                            I wonder how all of his teammates, and in particular the leadership group feel about his actions???
                            This could potentially have a destabilising effect on the Club if it is not sorted out and very quickly.


                            • #15
                              My guess is the people and players at the club aren't as pedantic and fickle as they are here so no one would really care.

