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Willis Meehan

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  • #16
    Shame he went down that wrong path. Did seem like a real good kid when I met him once.

    Everyone makes mistakes..geez we've taken on a few over the years and all the young ones have reformed.

    I say give him another chance ala Friendy - make him work for it.
    Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


    • #17
      Sounds like a bit of a dropkick.
      Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


      • #18
        As I mentioned I hope he does get his act together.
        But he was given a second change and most likely more
        The Internet is a place for posting silly things
        Try and be serious and you will look stupid


        • #19
          Sounds like he already has the attributes of a first-grade prop to me.....


          • #20
            No conviction recorded, has owned up to his crap, so let him play. Some should get off their shetland pony and look in the mirror. He is still only a kid.
            Sickie Lame .... King of Bestiality


            • #21
              Originally posted by The Sack View Post
              No conviction recorded, has owned up to his crap, so let him play. Some should get off their shetland pony and look in the mirror. He is still only a kid.
              Fair point.

              Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


              • #22
                the guys we having given a 2nd chance to have never beaten people up or caused them physical harm, one brain snap from carney may result in urine in someone's face, a brain snap from friendy may place him in the same position as Dylan walker, brainsnap from fergo may result in a grope, but a brainsnap from a professional boxer and hitman can result in a one punch death, on or off the field. Maybe a little drastic, but more of a risk than the other 2nd chances we have given.


                • #23
                  hmmm no thanks

                  rather develop what we have and build a clean culture. Napa, SST and Evans are our future.

                  Anyone know how shaq Mitchell's development is going. Did we just re-sign him so we could keep Latrell here for a few years?
                  Comment of the year:

                  Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

                  "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Kingbilly View Post
                    As I mentioned I hope he does get his act together.
                    But he was given a second change and most likely more

                    Yeah that's when you'd decide to stay away. Fool me once shame on........ you know how the rest goes. We already have a few players with a few loose cogs in their heads.
                    Comment of the year:

                    Andrew Johns, Semi-Final vs North Queensland ,

                    "It's touched Lui's hand and travelled forward but that's not a knock on"


                    • #25
                      I would have him back. He's done the wrong thing and been punished. If he is serious about this then we would be stupid not to have him back. He has SBW mentoring him, that tells me the club will consider him if he truly turns his life around. He's a potential Toumalolo


                      • #26
                        Listen I hope you guys are right. Generally I am always in favour of giving someone a second chance. It just seems like this guy's issues are pretty serious. With Sonny in the equation though ...


                        • #27
                          I'm happy to have him back.

                          He will be back next year and sbw the year after.


                          • #28
                            obviously hed be3 on notice if hes allowed back, no more second or third chances, but the kid cmight just grow up and be an assett to the club, i believe fpn was a similar young man in auckland pre rooster days he turned out just fine? pity hes nolongewr with us , but he still plays good footy and nolonger bashes people off the footy fielkd


                            • #29
                              Did the wrong thing and is till young and has time and ability to make up for it, so I say YES have him back but he must earn it, and be mentored properly.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by stephenj View Post
                                obviously hed be3 on notice if hes allowed back, no more second or third chances, but the kid cmight just grow up and be an assett to the club, i believe fpn was a similar young man in auckland pre rooster days he turned out just fine? pity hes nolongewr with us , but he still plays good footy and nolonger bashes people off the footy fielkd
                                yep, thats right frankie was a whisker away from serious jail time in nz, he came out here on a trial run with the roosters and the rest is history. As a side note on frankie , when i saw jarred and kane last time they were here, they said frankie hates playing against us and they said he wont run hard against his team. (us)

                                i think he is coming back to us and also think willis hanging out with sonny is the key to his future. If willis wasnt with us he would have been snapped up by another club or even a nsw cup side. he is a talent/natural athlete.
                                we have helped fpn, friendy, jnr, carney and fergo. look how most of them have turned out.
                                1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020

