In today's paper there is an article which notes that Trent has once said Fergo is only a short-term proposition until Latrell is ready to move into the fullback role once he develops
Does anybody worry that, (if this happens to occur) if Fergo is successful at fullback and enjoys that position more than centre, another team will throw shitloads at him to entice him to play there?
Are we playing with fire here? Hopefully if Fergo is relevation at fullback we keep him in that position and Latrell doesnt mind waiting a bit longer
Does anybody worry that, (if this happens to occur) if Fergo is successful at fullback and enjoys that position more than centre, another team will throw shitloads at him to entice him to play there?
Are we playing with fire here? Hopefully if Fergo is relevation at fullback we keep him in that position and Latrell doesnt mind waiting a bit longer