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MItchell Pearce reportedly on Sky News soon.

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

    You live in dream world little boy This was all orchestrated from the part of his get away to avoid being tested I bet you think alcohol was the only factor in this too

    Now for the record IF Pearce actually plays this year I hope he plays well for us I also hope he doesnt fcuk up up again or relapse. But coming back so soon and the high likelihood of him playing again in 2 months time sees this a real possibility If he was totally committed to giving the drink away then he would have stayed away for as long as his visa allows and this isnt a month But Pearce is more committed to getting back to playing footy than giving the drink away In his case the end justifies the means
    Are the NRL allowed to drug test out of season? and even if he did test positive, the first punishment is a suspended fine, and some rehabilitation.

    Hardly worth leaving the country for.


    • #77
      Originally posted by bondi paul View Post
      30 days is the maximum tourist visa for thailand - sure the chiang mai rehab may have been able to swing a renewable 30 day visa without him having to leave.
      no that is wrong it is 60 days minimum tourist visa which can be extended
      When you trust your television
      what you get is what you got
      Cause when they own the information
      they can bend it all they want

      John Mayer


      • #78
        Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
        no that is wrong it is 60 days minimum tourist visa which can be extended
        30 days on arrival,been twice in the last 4 years,was 30 each time. Easy to extend.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Johnny. View Post

          I live to serve.
          That's not what i've heard, Johnny

          Something about receiving and BBC.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
            no that is wrong it is 60 days minimum tourist visa which can be extended
            Correct, it is 60 days.



            • #81
              Originally posted by Tennessee Tornado View Post

              If Pearce is known as "Dog Rooter", what should we call you?

              How about "Mr Stalks a fellow-poster until she leaves the chookpen"

              Or "Mr Lonely Obese 50 year old"

              Or " Sir Sick Obsession with Megan Gale"

              Or "Captain throw-a- meme up cos I've go nothing better to do with my life"

              Maybe "Sgt Cry-myself-to-sleep-in-the-foetal position every night"

              Which persona are you today? Half-Jewish? Half Irish? Half south African? Half Greek? Married with Kids? Divorced? Dating a 20 year old? Sydney Party Boy? Lonely-Fatty? Member of the Nationalist Party?

              You're not smart, you just know how to use google. Shock value posts are sooooooo 2012!!

              Mitchell Pearce's only crime was to make an absolute goose of himself.....something you excel at 24/7

              ...but no-one's judging you......just saying?
              This post might have had more substance if you didn't have to create a new nick to post it... Just saying...


              • #82
                Originally posted by 2026 View Post
                That's not what i've heard, Johnny

                Something about receiving and BBC.
                Mandingo is in my Lexington.
                SUPER DRAGON!


                • #83
                  Pearce seems to be saying and doing the right things ...
                  Maybe give him one final chance at redemption?


                  • #84
                    It seems to me that some on here are over Pearce and arent interested in giving him another chance.

                    I'm sure he is back for round 1 not because he is playing but so that any process and suspensions can be started from round 1. Regardless, now that some time has passed and the circus we all saw after Oz day is over, i lean towards the view that he embarrased himself and brought the club some bad publicity but he committed no crime. I think he is one of our better players and in light of losing some quality players from last year, his experience on the footy field will be welcome at some stages during the season.

                    As for comparing what he did with that dog and claiming a precedent has been set with Joel Monaghan! well seriously they are not even in the same league. Anyone can see that right?

                    I'm not a Pearce apologist or a Pearce devotee, I am a roosters fan. I support the team and the club, and trust that an appropriate penatly will be handed to him.

                    This may be the turning point for Pearce in his life. Not talking footy, just in the way he chooses to live his life. How many older men can look back over their adult life and see their own turning points? I can and am also grateful that i didnt have people hounding me every time i chose poorly.

                    Lets give him his chance to serve his penalty and demonstrate his desire to improve himself.


                    • #85
                      So, as a possible scenario, if Pearce is suspended until round 6 and in his absence both Niko and Hastings absolute light it up and we're 4-2 or better, wtf does Robbo do?

                      Surely Pearce rots in reserves or at best becomes a bench utility.


                      • #86
                        I think it's backdated. This would include the 9's and WCC.

                        He could potentially be back round 3.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Insider View Post

                          30 days on arrival,been twice in the last 4 years,was 30 each time. Easy to extend.
                          30 days is how long you're allowed to stay without having to get a Visa. Which is what Pearces stay would've fallen under.


                          • #88
                            The Telegraph is rerunning the story on Catherine Lumby's position that Pearce should NEVER be allowed back in the NRL. I believe her main complaint was his terrible treatment of the woman in the video (he tried to kiss her, was rejected and then walked away). I wonder what she thinks of the Shark who thrust a broken glass into the face of his girlfriend?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post
                              The Telegraph is rerunning the story on Catherine Lumby's position that Pearce should NEVER be allowed back in the NRL. I believe her main complaint was his terrible treatment of the woman in the video (he tried to kiss her, was rejected and then walked away). I wonder what she thinks of the Shark who thrust a broken glass into the face of his girlfriend?
                              Yeah what an absolute ****ing joke. Meanwhile in North qld.. Robert lui takes the field.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Lydon View Post
                                Typical Mitchell Pearce,he is all about Mitchell Pearce.
                                Great timing,just in time to derail our season more!
                                Just go away...
                                No sense at all - he is back so round 1 counts as a suspension.

                                it's a club strategy not Pearce.
                                Get off somewhere else

