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This Is Very Scary

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 2026 View Post

    The best coach i ever had was a carnt. Some training sessions went for almost 4 hours. Boring defensive drills in the rain finishing at 10pm in the middle of winter. Eventually we got it and every other aspect of the game became easier and more enjoyable.
    That man was Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.


    • #17
      Uneven numbers in defence comes pure and simple down to communication.

      Yes you can drag men into the tackle, but even then any decent scrambling line can restore numbers within 4-5 seconds (it only takes the side to slide 10-15m in one direct, after all).

      The fact you can see so many of them standing there next to the posts ready to go means no one was talking. You could put the blame on Ferguson, Toops, and Mitchell for not screaming for people to get across - and it is certainly predominantly their fault - but any player in that line who just looked to their left or right could have seen it and then screamed down the line for everyone to slide.

      It really highlights a terrible attitude that it didn't happen, and an even worse one that we made the same mistake 5-6 times throughout the game


      • #18
        Originally posted by The Brain View Post
        Regardles of personnel changes I have never seen so many forwards jersey grabbing instead of tackling properly in 3 games straight.....when the forwards nuckle down the team will go better
        Looks like next game we play Manly into form.

        Hit the nail on the head. Most of our players are arm grabbers at the moment. Seems like they are trying to grab arms and drag players down. The hit and drive tackle has gone from our team at the moment. They seem to want to grab the player and wrestle them to the ground. They can't run without legs, however, this type of tackling has gone by the wayside in the NRL in general. One down below and one over the top has long gone.

        The shoulder charge change has scared many into thinking they can't use their shoulders at all. Napa and Evans are terrible at the moment.
        Last edited by The Sack; 03-18-2016, 05:20 PM.
        Sickie Lame .... King of Bestiality


        • #19
          I think chooks have had two 5 day turn arounds in a row? In this heat it will affect them especially the young blokes...we 8 days till the next game lets see if thst makes a difference
          Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


          • #20
            What would be scary is the Roosters playing the Broncos at Suncorp next round.

            Rd 6 will be scary.

