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Pearce the common denominator

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  • Pearce the common denominator

    Long time reader, first time poster.
    I just couldn't help myself anymore and want to SCREAM!!

    How is Pearce our starting halfback let alone NSW halfback?? He is by faaar the most over rated player in the NRL!!

    He has lost 9 consecutive games. He is the COMMON DENOMINATOR for failure. 9 losses in a row!!! When he skips a game and plays origin, roosters WIN!

    I know there are some pearce lovers here but we are sinking FAST, and I blame it on his constant hospital balls, stupid kicks on the line and boring last tackle options. When was the last time he forced a repeat set?

    Our backs never get quality ball only hospital passes or a very rare cut out pass, key word "rare". Please smithy drop this overrated failure and bring up littlejon and give him a go. Maybe a few weeks in nsw cup might bring Pearcy back to life.

    9 losses in a row!!!!!

  • #2
    I love the guy bwahahahahahaha


    • #3
      Didn't actually realise it lol.. Even despite killing it in the City Country match his team lost which wasn't his fault.. poor guy hasn't felt a win in ages


      • #4
        Yeah right I've read ur old posts and I agree he is a number 9. Good defender but that's it.

        That number 9 again


        • #5
          but his daddy doesnt want him to play hooker, so no-one has the kahunas to put him there, he is such a sweetheart


          • #6
            U talking to yourself again rusty


            • #7
              Or Jack made himself an account LOL


              • #8
                Haha yup daddy wants him to be a halfback,

                Makes me sick that this ass is bringing down our team. Thank God for carney, ne neutralizes pearces crappyness



                • #9
                  he is a good player tries harb but like said mabye a littlejohn might go well is there anyone in 20's?? nsw cup mabye?? ford or lazarus??


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by fred68 View Post
                    U talking to yourself again rusty
                    Me not that clever Freddo, if it twas i Soward would have been mentioned lol


                    • #11
                      He does try hard but we need to win games.

                      I have been making excuses for thisnguy for years but common has had 4 years to sharpen up but still no evolution.




                      • #12
                        We've won 2 games with Pearce in the halves
                        We've won 2 games with Carney in the halves
                        We've won 2 games with Anasta in the halves

                        The good old common denominator


                        • #13
                          All 8 losses came with Bwaith in the second row, whilst 2 of 3 wins came with him not at second row.

                          We can't cope with Bwaith in the second row week after week.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                            We've won 2 games with Pearce in the halves
                            We've won 2 games with Carney in the halves
                            We've won 2 games with Anasta in the halves

                            The good old common denominator
                            Well pierce has lost 9 in a row in the halves.

                            At least braith and carney know the meaning of a back line


                            • #15
                              I agree very much about hospital passes, poor 5th tackle options and a lack of a cut out pass close to the line (doesn't seem to mind it 60m out, however)

                              His development has been poor considering the amount of games he's played.. but he's a good leader and is here until whenever..

