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  • Ferguson

    He was ordinary on Monday, hardly any involvement. He needs to lead by example and show us all what a damaging player he can be. I still reckon we'll make the 8. We could've jagged 3 or 4 wins with a bit of luck, we're not that far off. Our season will get back on track on Saturday then a bye and after that full steam ahead.

  • #2
    Hey Ray how is Niikorima being better than Freddy working out for you? There is medicine for premature ejaculation these days Cogburn. Give it a try mate.


    • #3
      Since we need to win 12 from 16 to make the 8, why not just win 16 from 16 and finish in the fop 4?


      • #4
        Fergo has been ordinary all season.
        Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


        • #5
          I appreciate our players being rewarded for good form but Fergo being selected for Australia is an absolute joke. The credibility of 'international' league has fallen even further.
          Didn't the selectors see Fergo's 'attempted' tackle against Walker when we played Manly? Didn't they see the game we played against North Queensland where Fergo made 2 bad reads in the opening 8 minutes that led to tries?

          In saying all this, he's a Rooster so I hope he kills it.


          • #6
            As much as I love any player who dons the RWB and wish them every success, I cannot for the life of me see the logic in Ferguson's selection. Jennings would have been much higher up in my pecking order.


            • #7
              Ray, last week I got on at $7 to make the 8. At least we agree on something. This week should have been $3 and on our way but shit happens. Much like 2007 it will be touch and go but I am sure we will enjoy the challenge.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
                I appreciate our players being rewarded for good form but Fergo being selected for Australia is an absolute joke. The credibility of 'international' league has fallen even further.
                Didn't the selectors see Fergo's 'attempted' tackle against Walker when we played Manly? Didn't they see the game we played against North Queensland where Fergo made 2 bad reads in the opening 8 minutes that led to tries?

                In saying all this, he's a Rooster so I hope he kills it.
                I would suggest that's why he's been picked on the wing and not at center.


                • #9
                  Like most, I too wish him well. Deserved or not - he's been picked so good luck to him. I just hope he make it through without injury.

                  Does anyone know when the Kiwi side will be named? Surely we will have one or two in there too? SST would've been a walk up had he been fit.


                  • #10
                    Fergo has been in some of the worst form of his career this year....stunning selection.

                    But admittedly consistent with normal rep selection ethos.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post
                      Hey Ray how is Niikorima being better than Freddy working out for you? There is medicine for premature ejaculation these days Cogburn. Give it a try mate.
                      Show me where I said Nikorima is better than Freddy.


                      • #12
                        I feel like all that training at fullback has hurt Blake because i agree with everyone above he has been in average form. Mis-reads in defense especially hurting us in crucial moments.

                        I dont know if its just my own expectation of him but i want to see the devastating form he had against us in 2013 @ the SFS.

                        I dont know what they have seen out of Aiden Guerra and Blake Ferguson, its a surprising selection.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ray Stehr View Post

                          Show me where I said Nikorima is better than Freddy.
                          Why would I? You said and you know it.


                          • #14
                            Ray Stehr called Jayden Nikorima our saviour. How stupid can you get?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Teriyaki Chicken Boy View Post

                              Why would I? You said and you know it.
                              "Nikorema will prove to be our best pivot since Freddy"

                              Is what I wrote and I stand by it. I never suggested that he would be better than Freddy.

                              you are so full of shit, go and have an enema.

