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I have lost faith in the coaching staff

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Kingbilly View Post

    I don't know why Fergo gets picked in SOO let alone centre for us, What i do know is I don't know what is going on behind the scenes, at training etc or even whats in contracts. All that stuff affects who is selected in what spots.

    The other thing you can put money on is that some footballers are just dumb, instructions go in one ear and out the other. They do everything right at training say the right things, but then when they get out in the game then all that goes out the window.. I am not saying this is happening but I have seen it at all levels

    Lacking intelligence??
    Inability to follow a direct instruction?
    Poor listening skills??
    Unable to comprehend the effect his actions and words have on others??

    Ive met some thick footy players........and they have been wonderful league players.
    Likewise I've met intelligent players who make critical mistakes and poorly timed choices on the park.

    No, I don't agree with "dumb".

    Blake Ferguson has NEVER shown us any reason to be picked in the centres at all. Fullstop!
    He has continually shown us in his time at Cronulla and Canberra(where he ditched his team mates to win a premiership....and then got on who knows what??),
    that he cannot read the play when he is defending. Its more than just being dumb!!!!! It is a fundamental characteristic of his play!

    He has NEVER been able to do it!!!
    barbarian ......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!


    • #62
      The coaches thinking they could fix it was arrogant and why I have lost faith in them.
      barbarian ......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!


      • #63
        Originally posted by trewhella View Post
        He has continually shown us in his time at Cronulla and Canberra(where he ditched his team mates to win a premiership....and then got on who knows what??),
        Is that what he was thinking at that nightclub on the Kingsway?

        "If I pinch this sheila on the ass I'll screw up me team mates and win a comp, cooool"...............


        • #64
          he could easily have left the shire with his reputation in tact.....
          Instead, he went public and put the boot in to his team mates and the club that did their best to try to help him. No different to what the Raiders did and he crapped all over them in a different way.

          The bloke just better start playing footy he is capable of. He is letting people down again in a different way.

          I also really hope he has grown up and stopped the obnoxious moronic fool that he chose to be.
          Thats best for him and his family........

          But defending him on the crap that he went on with. Nup can't agree with that!.....there is a long list of behaviour that was out of control. Lets hope that is all in the past.
          barbarian ......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!


          • #65
            No Hayne, Gallen or Fergo for the SOO decider that year which was played at home.

            I so wanted NSW to win it that year for Pearce.


            • #66
              "The only time you start at the top is when you are digging a hole."
              - Jack Gibson


              • #67
                7 games out of 17 the Roosters have lost by 4 or less. They were robbed against Manly & the 2nd Bulldogs game. They have been blown off the park 3 times 2 of them by competition favorites North Qld & the Storm plus rd 1 when half the team was missing. The losses to the Titans & the first Dogs game are really the only 2 games that they played crap in.
                This year has just been one of those seasons where they have had no luck & believe it or not but luck plays a massive part in the NRL.
                The Roosters need Robbo big time just like Melbourne need Bellamy.

