Originally posted by stsae
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You've sat an exam, which if you pass you'll be able to ref junior club rugby games... damn... the qualifications are stacking up!
And you don't like rugby union... that's your choice. You seem to have taken a light hearted comment about a successful union team (which many Roosters fans support) quite personally. So not sure there... you still agree that tackles around the legs can be good for big men (which happens to be a union-style tackle), or did you change that stance when you found out they tackle like that in union?
Further more you don't like the Brits... great uuum... yeah you'll go far mate...
Again you're very confused about people's positions. Centres and forwards... same thin? NOT THEY'RE NOT!! Maybe some union knowledge would help you out there as that's where the position names come from (where you stand when packing down a scrum.) If you look at the team standing in scrum formation you will realise pretty quickly why centres are not forwards!
Originally posted by stsae
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PS - Stop saying "back rower"... you have no idea what it means...