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Have you ever wondered why we cannot vote??

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  • #16
    Originally posted by theGman View Post

    Incorrect. The membership to the Football club (not season ticket members) is exclusive (boys club) & capped at approx 200 as per the antiquated constitution. redrooster's post above is well detailed & pretty much spot on.

    Up until 10 years ago clubs like Parra, Dogs & Souths operated under the terms of their old constitution but saw the light and changed it to allow more members their voting rights. It's a power thing & our close knit echelon prefer to keep it the way it is which sux imo.
    It would be impractical and would thwart a heap of high-profile signings if every decision had to go to club members.

    You speak of the board, not 'members' when you speak of voting. Sure it's a club but what's news? When you're making as much money as guys like Nick Politis and Mark Bouris (and have the business smarts/influence) then maybe you'll get an invite. Every club have their board and boards are exclusive for a reason. Pretty sure if (for example) Bill Gates decided to join the Roosters then a board membership invite would be attached to his membership letter.

    Politis' Ford dealership was the club's major sponsor for a long time. Rightly or wrongly, this earned him significant control over the board. Again... I'm sure that if you owned Steggles then you'd get more of a say about who we sign because you'd be backing up your opinion with big $$$.
    Last edited by ism22; 10-23-2016, 04:46 PM.


    • #17
      6 grand finals in the last 16 years. Simply not good enough for some people it seems.


      • #18
        Originally posted by redrooster View Post
        Many of our fans have said this in the past.. its a very valid point..

        Its setup to protect you know who, so you know who can run the club the way he wants..

        The board is made up people who are close friends with you know who..

        You know who has done some great things for our club.. but its really no way to run a 'professional' football club..

        Weve lost some great rugby league people over the years only because they had a different outlook to you know who on decisions made..

        We are not a football club.. we are a very rich mans plaything

        And the amount of success weve had in the last 41 years (2 premierships) , does not warrant you know who to have the immunity that he currently enjoys
        You simply have zero idea if you think Politis has been calling the shots for 41 years. Maybe if you halved that number of years it would be closer to the truth than your fabricated 41 years figure, but the truth wouldn't suit the dribble that you posted.

        Are you the same person that thought the "9s specialist" Taylor should be in first grade?


        • #19
          Originally posted by ism22 View Post

          It would be impractical and would thwart a heap of high-profile signings if every decision had to go to club members.

          You speak of the board, not 'members' when you speak of voting. Sure it's a club but what's news? When you're making as much money as guys like Nick Politis and Mark Bouris (and have the business smarts/influence) then maybe you'll get an invite. Every club have their board and boards are exclusive for a reason. Pretty sure if (for example) Bill Gates decided to join the Roosters then a board membership invite would be attached to his membership letter.

          Politis' Ford dealership was the club's major sponsor for a long time. Rightly or wrongly, this earned him significant control over the board. Again... I'm sure that if you owned Steggles then you'd get more of a say about who we sign because you'd be backing up your opinion with big $$$.

          But its antiquated constitution allows for a dictatorship set up.

          Put it this way, when a voting football member falls off his/her perch or fails to renew there's supposed to be a "who's been waiting next" opportunity. That doesn't happen. It's more a case of who you are etc......
          Does that seem fair to the loyal supporter who may be a pleb without much pull or power but bleeds RWB like the rest of us?


          • #20
            Originally posted by theGman View Post

            But its antiquated constitution allows for a dictatorship set up.

            Put it this way, when a voting football member falls off his/her perch or fails to renew there's supposed to be a "who's been waiting next" opportunity. That doesn't happen. It's more a case of who you are etc......
            Does that seem fair to the loyal supporter who may be a pleb without much pull or power but bleeds RWB like the rest of us?
            I think fans can have a greater say in the operations of sporting clubs without having to introduce a system of democracy.

            Dictatorship seems to be a bit of a dirty word in western society but there are a lot of benefits to it especially at a business level which is what we are talking about here.

            Democracy has its faults too, don't need to look far these days to see that.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post

              I think fans can have a greater say in the operations of sporting clubs without having to introduce a system of democracy.

              Dictatorship seems to be a bit of a dirty word in western society but there are a lot of benefits to it especially at a business level which is what we are talking about here.

              Democracy has its faults too, don't need to look far these days to see that.
              So you would prefer the North Korea model would you?
              Originally posted by Bondi Boy

              What a rabble we are.

              Oh well, maybe next year


              • #22
                Originally posted by 4 the all in brawl View Post

                So you would prefer the North Korea model would you?
                At least read my post if you chose to respond to it.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by trewhella View Post
                  we have no say, we as an NRL supporters club have no representatives?

                  why is this?

                  why do we not have a voice?
                  Are we that powerless?

                  We run near last yet none of the real questions are being raised?

                  We are a club that lacks accountability.
                  If Cronulla are winning competitions at a fraction of our budget...............heads MUST roll!!!!

                  Sign decent players.
                  Our current roster will NOT make the finals.
                  That's why we are referred to as 'fans'. I'm often amazed at times by the self importance of some fans. Not to mention the pessimistic attitude.

                  We have had one poor year in the last 4 , yet we should all have no faith in the people that gave us that. We need a voice!

                  No we don't. We just need to be fans and support our team through the good times and the bad.
                  Embrace the Hate! JC


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by John Corey View Post

                    That's why we are referred to as 'fans'. I'm often amazed at times by the self importance of some fans. Not to mention the pessimistic attitude.

                    We have had one poor year in the last 4 , yet we should all have no faith in the people that gave us that. We need a voice!

                    No we don't. We just need to be fans and support our team through the good times and the bad.
                    ^^^^^THAT. WELL SAID JOHN
                    1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post

                      At least read my post if you chose to respond to it.
                      I read your post. I placed an emphasis on the word you chose to use 'dictatorship'. Uncle Nick is not a dictator anyway, there is a board, Uncle Nick has the final say on most things but it is not a dictatorship.
                      Originally posted by Bondi Boy

                      What a rabble we are.

                      Oh well, maybe next year


                      • #26
                        Back in the day the board didnt have a clue what was happening.
                        I am certain Nick would prefer empoyees run the show and he can sit back and enjoy the footy with only having a casting eye..but not every one pulls their weight .
                        I understand a change and rebuild that is common.
                        This years result was last years oversight ...They take the blame and move on with it.
                        Like i said when the ol fella leaves for up and above I have no idea where this club will end up.
                        It will take an even smarter bloke to sort it out.
                        geographically the North,South,East, West boundaries of sydney economically are changing and thats what football teams have to head as well .
                        Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                        • #27
                          The amount of voting members in a club ain't the issue in this case IMO
                          Different models for different clubs, but in our case I think it would be a good example of, "too many cooks spoil the broth"

                          Polites puts the clubs best interests above all else.
                          He was sinking his own money into the joint years before he had a say in anything.
                          The place was more akin to a dictatorship when Ron Jones held the reigns.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post

                            I think fans can have a greater say in the operations of sporting clubs without having to introduce a system of democracy.

                            Dictatorship seems to be a bit of a dirty word in western society but there are a lot of benefits to it especially at a business level which is what we are talking about here.

                            Democracy has its faults too, don't need to look far these days to see that.
                            I agree, the Sadaam Hussein Dictatorship kept a lid on Isis and other morons, yes some places work better under a dictatorship, unfortunately democracy leads to factions in most organizations, there is no right or wrong it is a case of what works best for that situation


                            • #29
                              so we all agree Kim Jong-un should be next in line after Nick and the whole team has to have the same hair cut as our new fearless leader
                              Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post

                                I think fans can have a greater say in the operations of sporting clubs without having to introduce a system of democracy.

                                Dictatorship seems to be a bit of a dirty word in western society but there are a lot of benefits to it especially at a business level which is what we are talking about here.

                                Democracy has its faults too, don't need to look far these days to see that.
                                Yes but democracy allows you to vote and have a say.

                                If for example the board decided to change the clubs name, colours or location, at present the greater majority of us wouldn't be able to vote on our preferences on such contentious issues.

