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Braith, please kindly piss off

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  • #31
    Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
    Ryles? That was just about his best game for the club.
    That's why he should be farked off.



    • #32
      Originally posted by Chook View Post
      That's why he should be farked off.

      yes, of course


      • #33
        no he can go to greece with his greek mates politis and bouris.the club has no future with these guys involved


        • #34
          Originally posted by bondi paul View Post
          no he can go to greece with his greek mates politis and bouris.the club has no future with these guys involved
          How do you figure that? Two of the most successful businessman in the country and they can't provide a future for us?


          • #35
            Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
            Ryles? That was just about his best game for the club.
            24 hours on and I'm stilled pissed and embarrassed that I support this mob. I wasn't this annoyed in 2009.
            Ryles gave away a penalty on the 5th tackle on our line that led to the 1st or second try.
            Anasta has made a career at Easts kicking the ball out on the full and fumbling away our last tackle options.
            Same mistakes from both these imposters each and every week. Time to go - both of you
            Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland


            • #36
              its their decision making at the roosters. i dont deny politis and bouris success in their own arena but when it comes to politis and his puppet board members running a football club then you only have to look at the politis term of 36 years at the roosters and 19 as premiership in 36 years.
              his signing of players and coaches like mason, anderson smith and now elliott and need i say he got ex david jones ceo mark mc innes on the board reflects poor decision making.
              politis needs to go.
              unless he goes their is no future for easts.
              i have followed the team for 44 years and the last 10 years of politis mess ups is why the club is in trouble.


              • #37
                bondi paul, are u really Fred68?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Rooster1972 View Post
                  bondi paul, are u really Fred68?
                  no rooster 1972 i don't have a identity crisis.= i am not fred 68.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Spanner in the works View Post
                    How do you figure that? Two of the most successful businessman in the country and they can't provide a future for us?
                    they are sucessful in their own domain but not with a football club.its case of politis and bouris wearing too many hats.politis has been there 36 years. one comp win in that time.i dont call that success.


                    • #40
                      I've stood up for him in the past, but enough is enough. Anasta...eff off!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by bondi paul View Post
                        they are sucessful in their own domain but not with a football club.its case of politis and bouris wearing too many hats.politis has been there 36 years. one comp win in that time.i dont call that success.
                        From memory since Politis was made el-presidente of Easts (20 odd yrs ago I believe) we have missed the semis 3-4 seasons only. We have attracted Gus and Freddo and some great young talent in that time.

                        Mate we have made 5 GFs in the last 11 yrs, thats quite a feat in the current celery clap enviroment. Politis has reinvented the club 3-4 times in that period. Sure hes made errors like every other person involved in every club in the history of the game, but to hang the bloke for just wanting to help us succeed is poor, IMO.

                        In fact how can Politis be expected to win us a comp??? He can only provide us with the best players and support staff available and give us the chance to make the semis each season. Which IMO he has done, better than alot of other club bosses.

                        He even reportedly did his best to get Waynekerr, what else can he do???

                        The FlogPen .

                        You know it makes sense.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by stsae View Post
                          From memory since Politis was made el-presidente of Easts (20 odd yrs ago I believe) we have missed the semis 3-4 seasons only. We have attracted Gus and Freddo and some great young talent in that time.

                          Mate we have made 5 GFs in the last 11 yrs, thats quite a feat in the current celery clap enviroment. Politis has reinvented the club 3-4 times in that period. Sure hes made errors like every other person involved in every club in the history of the game, but to hang the bloke for just wanting to help us succeed is poor, IMO.

                          In fact how can Politis be expected to win us a comp??? He can only provide us with the best players and support staff available and give us the chance to make the semis each season. Which IMO he has done, better than alot of other club bosses.

                          He even reportedly did his best to get Waynekerr, what else can he do???

                          backwards is back, could not agree more.

