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Toups apparently signs on....

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Waylander View Post

    But most people, I think, are reading an implied criticism into your posts. Now that may not be the case, but when you post a string of words without a single punctuation mark, it's not always easy to determine the intent of your post. Question marks, comma's and full stops would help to make your posts more understandable for the readership. Even an emoji would help give context to your posts, like sarcasm etc.

    As it is, your longer posts are almost unreadable. If you genuinely think your posts are being misunderstood, then you can do something about it. If your just taking the piss, which I suspect, get over it.
    if people don't like it the ignore button exists for a reason


    • #47
      Originally posted by Lydon View Post
      Rothfield was on the money with Tedesco,Woods and Foran.
      I have no reason to doubt him on this one.
      Wow if true!
      Rothfield also wasn't on the money with 99% of everything he says so take it with a grain of salt.

      Back to Toops, he is a machine and always plays better when his contract is sorted and he can focus on just playing footy.

      So a four year deal keeps him golden for a long time.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Elvis Rooster View Post
        Straight swap - Fergo for Gagai? Sounds good to me. Fergo is a current Aust rep. Surely Newcastle are the winners on paper. Make it happen
        I thought we had to let Fergo go to make room for Tedesco.


        • #49
          Originally posted by boogie View Post

          if people don't like it the ignore button exists for a reason
          Then don't complain when people read things into your posts that you (claim you) didn't intend. Works both ways.


          • #50
            Originally posted by boogie View Post

            when somebody makes the claim that a player has signed for less as fact then it's not criticism to ask them how they know this
            Right and you are still talking about footy. Someone claimed something without any basis for doing so and you simply questioned them. But this is too harsh for some? Damn I'm confused.

            This thread is about Toups. I love 2017 Toups. I didn't think much of the 2016 version but this year he is big and tough and damaging. He has improved in the air (or is getting a fair go) and he no longer gets pushed backwards in almost every tackle. He also seems to be backing his pace a little more. I just hope he does not relax now that he has signed a contract.


            • #51
              Originally posted by boogie View Post

              if people don't like it the ignore button exists for a reason
              That's about what we expect.

              How about instead you try and be a valuable member of this community that adds to enjoyment of the other members by posting football-related content? If you can't, leave it.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post

                I thought we had to let Fergo go to make room for Tedesco.
                Ha ha ask the Chookpen. I have no idea who we can afford lol


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Waylander View Post

                  Then don't complain when people read things into your posts that you (claim you) didn't intend. Works both ways.
                  i dont care if people misinterpret my posts i am only bothered by the vicious and scandalous attacks I have to endure day in and day out on this website by a certain few people who use me as their catalyst to ruin threads while I am just trying to go about my business this is the Internet and 75% of communication is non verbal so I do accept that misinterpretations will happen


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by boogie View Post

                    i dont care if people misinterpret my posts i am only bothered by the vicious and scandalous attacks I have to endure day in and day out on this website by a certain few people who use me as their catalyst to ruin threads while I am just trying to go about my business this is the Internet and 75% of communication is non verbal so I do accept that misinterpretations will happen

                    The perpetrator never makes a good victim.

                    Stick to the footy. Your mate is now doing that and it's great.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post

                      I thought we had to let Fergo go to make room for Tedesco.
                      skd too which should afford us tedesco gagai and james graham


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post

                        The perpetrator never makes a good victim.

                        Stick to the footy. Your mate is now doing that and it's great.
                        How many more posts are you going to make today that are not about footy? Please stick to the topic of the thread.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Elvis Rooster View Post

                          How many more posts are you going to make today that are not about footy? Please stick to the topic of the thread.

                          I am absolutely stoked about Toups signing back on. He has been great for us this year and will be even better this week with his sidekick back in the team.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post

                            I am absolutely stoked about Toups signing back on. He has been great for us this year and will be even better this week with his sidekick back in the team.
                            Agreed. It was a shame to see their combination broken up after the first few rounds (4?). Some would prefer Mitchell on the wing but in my opinion he is ready for centre although still learning the role.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by boogie View Post

                              skd too which should afford us tedesco gagai and james graham
                              I was surprised the rumoured contract for SKD from Newcastle was so low. $300k x 4 years. With the current salary cap that seems on the low side for a move to Newcastle. 4 years though.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Elvis Rooster View Post

                                I was surprised the rumoured contract for SKD from Newcastle was so low. $300k x 4 years. With the current salary cap that seems on the low side for a move to Newcastle. 4 years though.
                                i thought it was pretty low myself and thought who cares for that moment relative speaking to an nrl career but I don't like asking shaun about his business either I'm sure he could earn much more playing in england if he desired to

