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Attention Trent Robinson, I have had an epiphany.....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

    Hmm maybe...but I think part of Fergos recent top form has been a bit of an "up yours" for winging him.
    Fergos been switching to centre in attack. He made a break by giving BBQ a big don't argue, and he scored his try at centre by running over Cronullas centre.

    unfortunately Matto was getting picked of easily by Cronullas other shitty centre who Moga killed. Latrel would have turned him into a speed hump
    Roosters For Ever


    • #32
      Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View Post

      Never seen Fergo pretend he is injured for a penalty. And you won't see it.

      He is more Matai than Dugan.
      Fergo tends to 'get injured' when he misses a tackle of drops the ball.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post

        Fergo tends to 'get injured' when he misses a tackle of drops the ball.
        That's just a load of BS. He might be this that or the other but he is not soft and on the field i think he is completely accountable for his own mistakes and owns up to them. That one against Melb showed just how tough he was, you try landing on the point of you shoulder from that height and not show the pain. I thought it was incredible he played on and wasn't completely busted. Tough as Fergo, just how tough? I saw him walking his dog last week and and the dog was picking up Fergo's shite.

