Originally posted by PeeGee
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You are never going to get the result you want by yelling in a referees face and telling him he's wrong and demand he change it - the typical human reaction is to take exception to the aggression and do the exact opposite. Can you imagine what would happen if a referee got in the player's face and screamed at him - he'd probably get decked, in the heat of the moment.
Everyone knows that there are real problems within the refs ranks and those officials in the bunker. But it is really no different to a club and it's roster - recruitment and retention mistakes are made and the team suffers. But as with most coaches, there are only so many mistakes that Archer can cover up and not be held responsible for. As Greenburg said in his presser, some of the refs are fighting for contracts for next year., same as players. And Archer is under pressure - and like Henry and Maguire, it will only take 1 tipping point and he will be out the door. It may not play out in the media like the Hasler debacle, but I'm sure at NRL HQ there are more than a few heads on the chopping block if the officiating doesn't improve.