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New Name & Logo

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post

    NO change needed or should there be.

    'Bondi Roosters' will alienate all the supporters who live outside Bondi...which seem to be most supporters these days.

    Wanna destroy the club?

    Then change the name and logo!

    It'd be like calling St Merge the Kogarah Dragons - think Brighton, Wolli Creek, Bexley, Rockdale, Sans Souci, Sydney Airport... are their areas or demographics ANYTHING like Kogarah? Nope... FFS is the Gong anything like Kogarah? Nope... and Cronulla's closer to it than Kogarah! A bloke called the radio tonight saying he's in the Gong and has always been a Souffs fan (along with many of his southern friends) because "The Gong is South of Sydney and there was no Wollongong team when [he] started watching."

    Canterbury Bankstown... if they were just the Bankstown Bulldogs, then 1/2 of their area would be merge territory (think the Beverley Hills area.)

    Manly-Warringah couldn't be just Manly because Manly is... MANLY! (Which is a pretty cool beachie area) Warringah's the area where farkwits like Tony Abbott hang out, pretending The Cross, Newtown and Darlo don't exist. I remember as an 18 y/o, friends from Warringah had NEVER been to such areas in their lives because their parents didn't let them. The ones from Manly had all taken the ferry across and discovered the real world.

    Wests Tigers couldn't just be the Balmain Tigers because they'd be a rich inner-city club, not an inclusive club with Balmain being seen as a rough suburb, and Campbelltown being seen as the country (rather than a dole bludging drug hole on par with Souff Sydney, but with white trash instead of blackfellas.)

    As proven above - history is cool... Balmain, Manly, Canterbury, Kogarah and Bondi... all solid traditional clubs. Campbelltown, Warringah, The Gong and Newtown simply wouldn't accept any of the above tags.

    Leave it be, no change is needed. The times they are a-changin'...
    Last edited by ism22; 08-03-2011, 09:56 PM.


    • #32
      I can see both sides to the argument.Sydney is good for marketing and gives us a broader appeal.However i feel we have lost our identity and area by not being called Eastern subs\Easts. Its great that people outside the eastern subs support the roosters but that is our area and where we represent.

      I support this team because they are the Eastern Subs team and alot of people have'nt felt the same since we went to Sydney City(hated that) then to Sydney.Every team represents an area and we def dont represent Sydney as a whole so id love it if the club went back to being called Easts.Even Eastern Sydney Roosters would do me,being called Easts for short.I love the Roosters as our icon but the club should never be known as just the Roosters.We represent the Eastern Subs of Sydney in rugby league and need to have that name in our title.Its our great history.

      Ask yourself this,Have you ever shouted out "Go Sydney" at the footy or when someone asks who you go for say Sydney? I dont think so.
      Last edited by ben25; 08-04-2011, 12:34 AM.


      • #33
        sydney swans still get souths from some older fans , once were south melbourne? well always be easts whatever marketing call us!


        • #34
          I believe it was the same story that suggested the "BONDI BREAKERS"

          Go back to Eastern Suburbs or jhust farkin leave it


          • #35
            We were, are and always will be the Eastern Suburbs Roosters or Easts.


            • #36
              Originally posted by ben25 View Post
              or when someone asks who you go for say Sydney? I dont think so.
              I say Sydney...Roosters..."Sydney Roosters" I say whenever asked outside Sydney.

              As distinct from:

              Brighton Roosters.


              Brighton Roosters

              The Brighton Roosters Junior Rugby League Club is a modest junior rugby league facility and our Clubhouse and grounds are situated on the the corner of Tenth Avenue and Stanley Terrace, Brighton.

              Our grounds are ideally situated in the northern bayside suburb of Brighton and less than one hundred metres from the foreshores of Sandgate and Moreton Bay.

              We provide an excellent facility for youth with rugby league teams ranging from Under 7's to Under 17's.

              The club adopted the famous tri colours of Sydney Easts (red, white & blue) and has modernised the present design however maintaining the traditional colour.


              Griffith Roosters [AFC/AFL]



              Atherton Roosters:



              North Ballarat Roosters; [AFC/AFL]


              Look at all those Roosters!


              • #37

                farcough!!!!! "R R DOUBLE O S T E R S" as Paea would say


                • #38
                  Leave the name alone FFS !


                  • #39
                    I copped Sydney City Roosters during the war and I'm sucking up Sydney Roosters but unless the change is to the Eastern Sydney Roosters, stick the idea up your arse Gallop!


                    • #40
                      The rooster standing on the footy was quite spiffy,sad day when it went,could have been a traditional emblem,much like the Arsenal cannon emblem.
                      As for Eastern Suburbs,Souths could be identified with that area as much as Easts.
                      Roosters have long outgrown a small clutch of suburbs.
                      Roosters it is.


                      • #41

                        The Sydney Roosters logo is magic.

                        GF 2002...Sydney v Auckland/NZ.

                        Sydney v Brisbane

                        Sydney v Melbourne

                        No other NRL team is called Sydney.

                        Sydney Roosters is all encompassing...from the mountains to the sea... the Sydney Opera house sails are the Rooster's comb.
                        Sweep down past Taylor Sq, to the harbour, the Opera House is ours too!
                        Sydney is ours and we must never give it up.

                        The Eastern Suburbs, the CBD, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Hornsby, Nth Sydney...anyone call feel included in the Roosters family.

                        It's still Eastern Suburbs District Rugby League Football Club...that tells where we are and were founded.
                        Last edited by bondi-boy; 09-01-2011, 04:30 PM.


                        • #42
                          I'm 24 I call them Easts . I love calling them Easts, I love our jumper the only thing I would do is revert back to the Easts logo


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Easts4Life View Post
                            I'm 24 I call them Easts . I love calling them Easts, I love our jumper the only thing I would do is revert back to the Easts logo
                            Here here!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Easts4Life View Post
                              I'm 24 I call them Easts . I love calling them Easts, I love our jumper the only thing I would do is revert back to the Easts logo
                              agreed, i really like the Easts logo or even the logo we had for the 100th season. but would keep our jumper the way it is and keep it the sydney roosters
                              I support two NRL teams, the Roosters and whoevers playing Souths


                              • #45
                                This logo ^^^^^^

                                But Roosters where 100 years is

