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Hayne plane seen in a holding pattern above Bondi

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mickie Lane View Post
    So we've signed Hayne, Paulo & Crighton. You beauty.
    But will that mean that Latrell, JWH & Cordner are leaving?
    Uncle Nick is sending all those players through Harvard on Rooster and third party sponsored scholarships - we will have the smartest players around- wait till they have a try scored against them - be having a group brainstorm behind the posts to work out why - electronic whiteboards at both ends of the ground too
    Last edited by King Salvo; 11-05-2017, 10:34 PM.


    • #17
      Now we know why skd left. Couldn’t pass entrance exam
      Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland


      • #18
        Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

        Entitled to his views /religion and beliefs - I would doubt any Muslim would be voting yes
        All the muslims i know voted yes.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Moose View Post

          All the muslims i know voted yes.
          Same. TBH I find muslims to be more open and progressive than christians (particularly more radical streams like pentecostals).

          Dunno why. Maybe because they’re used to getting discriminated against so know how it feels?

          This goes back a while BTW. When I was a teacher (many many years ago) the Christian schools always told me to GTFO because I wasn’t an active Christian and was a single bloke with a girlfriend. Thus, I worked for a lot of muslim schools which were ctually like ‘hey we WANT you because we want our staff to represent society!!! So long as you don’t disrespect our beliefs or behave like some warped racist dude, we really don’t give a stuff what yours are!’


          • #20
            Originally posted by ism22 View Post

            Same. TBH I find muslims to be more open and progressive than christians (particularly more radical streams like pentecostals).

            Dunno why. Maybe because they’re used to getting discriminated against so know how it feels?

            This goes back a while BTW. When I was a teacher (many many years ago) the Christian schools always told me to GTFO because I wasn’t an active Christian and was a single bloke with a girlfriend. Thus, I worked for a lot of muslim schools which were ctually like ‘hey we WANT you because we want our staff to represent society!!! So long as you don’t disrespect our beliefs or behave like some warped racist dude, we really don’t give a stuff what yours are!’
            That's interesting ism because i was of the belief that Islam despises homosexuals and Muslims do not condone their own being gay.

            Put it this way, you're game if you proclaim yourself openly gay in some Middle Eastern countries. I've read of instances where male lovers have been set upon and flogged (pardon the pun). I know of a Jordanian guy that had to immigrate to exercise his right to equality.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Moose View Post

              All the muslims i know voted yes.
              Obviously they don't adhere to the Quran then where such practices are forbidden as below

              This sin, the impact of which makes one’s skin crawl, which words cannot describe, is evidence of perverted instincts, total collapse of shame and honor, and extreme filthiness of character and soul… The heavens, the Earth and the mountains tremble from the impact of this sin. The angels shudder as they anticipate the punishment of Allah to descend upon the people who commit this indescribable sin.


              • #22
                Originally posted by theGman View Post

                That's interesting ism because i was of the belief that Islam despises homosexuals and Muslims do not condone their own being gay.

                Put it this way, you're game if you proclaim yourself openly gay in some Middle Eastern countries. I've read of instances where lovers have been set upon and flogged (pardon the pun).
                the poster and goose moose hasn't a clue what they are talking about as per the Quran - Homosexuality is

                This sin, the impact of which makes one’s skin crawl, which words cannot describe, is evidence of perverted instincts, total collapse of shame and honor, and extreme filthiness of character and soul… The heavens, the Earth and the mountains tremble from the impact of this sin. The angels shudder as they anticipate the punishment of Allah to descend upon the people who commit this indescribable sin.
                Last edited by King Salvo; 11-05-2017, 10:45 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ism22 View Post

                  Same. TBH I find muslims to be more open and progressive than christians (particularly more radical streams like pentecostals).

                  Dunno why. Maybe because they’re used to getting discriminated against so know how it feels?

                  This goes back a while BTW. When I was a teacher (many many years ago) the Christian schools always told me to GTFO because I wasn’t an active Christian and was a single bloke with a girlfriend. Thus, I worked for a lot of muslim schools which were ctually like ‘hey we WANT you because we want our staff to represent society!!! So long as you don’t disrespect our beliefs or behave like some warped racist dude, we really don’t give a stuff what yours are!’
                  Man you are kidding aren`t you - have you ever been to any middle eastern countries - progressive in what - stoning women to death/cutting off hands/ honour killings/public floggings /executions by beheading/set on fire your name it they do it/ where women cannot drive/work or go to school/be in the presence of males who are not their husbands/have to hide their faces etc etc - stoneage stuff - oh sharia law and islam is the most progressive religion for women - oh where's that ex ABC Australia wide host nowadays. you are kidding
                  Last edited by King Salvo; 11-05-2017, 10:47 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                    Obviously they don't adhere to the Quran then where such practices are forbidden as below

                    This sin, the impact of which makes one’s skin crawl, which words cannot describe, is evidence of perverted instincts, total collapse of shame and honor, and extreme filthiness of character and soul… The heavens, the Earth and the mountains tremble from the impact of this sin. The angels shudder as they anticipate the punishment of Allah to descend upon the people who commit this indescribable sin.
                    they might believe it to be sin, but the thing is, most muslims dont believe their religious beliefs should effect the law, unlike most christians.

                    basically they dont think it's their business if other people sin, as long as they dont.


                    • #25
                      so you say this is the rule in countries that have sharia law for instance- people that commit offences under sharia law and the courts etc say oh it wasn`t us so it`s none of our business and they will let the person off?? - must be a middle eastern country I have never heard about that would allow that.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
                        so you say this is the rule in countries that have sharia law for instance- people that commit offences under sharia law and the courts etc say oh it wasn`t us so it`s none of our business and they will let the person off?? - must be a middle eastern country I have never heard about that would allow that.
                        maybe you should look into what sharia law actually is? maybe try talking to a muslim about it? it's really not that hard, head down to your local mosque, they'll be happy to chat as long as you don't interrupt prayer, that would be very rude.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                          Man you are kidding aren`t you - have you ever been to any middle eastern countries - progressive in what - stoning women to death/cutting off hands/ honour killings/public floggings /executions by beheading/set on fire your name it they do it/ where women cannot drive/work or go to school/be in the presence of males who are not their husbands/have to hide their faces etc etc - stoneage stuff - oh sharia law and islam is the most progressive religion for women - oh where's that ex ABC Australia wide host nowadays. you are kidding
                          I'm not defending anything here but not all Middle Eastern countries are like that. Actually it's very very rare. It happens in some places but it's not common. In fact, traditionally oppressive countries are changing their laws to be more liberal. The thing that needs to be understood is if it's their way of doing things in their backyard, respect that. The only thing I want to see is the same respect for the way we do things in ours.
                          FVCK CANCER


                          • #28
                            When did this become a farken religious forum, So Hayne is a Hillsong prat, Pearce found Buddhismin Thailand apparently, All religion is a farce, I have spent over 2000 years on this planet, it is evil and the Pre cursor to every major war, screw religion talk footy
                            Bringer of Rain, Embrace the Hate, Freedom for All


                            • #29
                              Yep, slow news day. Didn't read the fifty-something comments underneath. You can guess what they would've said.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Moose View Post

                                maybe you should look into what sharia law actually is? maybe try talking to a muslim about it? it's really not that hard, head down to your local mosque, they'll be happy to chat as long as you don't interrupt prayer, that would be very rude.
                                Lol....yes terribly rude to interrupt that and whatever else might be cooking there.

                                A bit like refusing to stand for judges or not shaking female teacher's hands....etc etc.
                                #We Stand with ourJewish community#

