Anyway, I’ve realised this really has nothing to do with this thread do my apologies for getting off topic.
No announcement yet.
Hayne plane seen in a holding pattern above Bondi
What a corker of a thread this one has been! Filling the vacuum created by this ridiculous Hayne speculation with all manner of Chookpen feelings and conspiracy theories about Muslims, gays, and the atypical behaviour of poodles in the canine community.
I think my favourite was the reference to "cultural Marxism", a theory, pushed by lunatic right wingers, that some secret rump of the Soviet Union has for the last 100 years been clearing the way for international communism by attacking all our treasured 19th century biases and bigotry.
First class entertainment. Well done to all the contributors.
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Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View PostWhat a corker of a thread this one has been! Filling the vacuum created by this ridiculous Hayne speculation with all manner of Chookpen feelings and conspiracy theories about Muslims, gays, and the atypical behaviour of poodles in the canine community.
I think my favourite was the reference to "cultural Marxism", a theory, pushed by lunatic right wingers, that some secret rump of the Soviet Union has for the last 100 years been clearing the way for international communism by attacking all our treasured 19th century biases and bigotry.
First class entertainment. Well done to all the contributors.
Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View PostWhat a corker of a thread this one has been! Filling the vacuum created by this ridiculous Hayne speculation with all manner of Chookpen feelings and conspiracy theories about Muslims, gays, and the atypical behaviour of poodles in the canine community.
I think my favourite was the reference to "cultural Marxism", a theory, pushed by lunatic right wingers, that some secret rump of the Soviet Union has for the last 100 years been clearing the way for international communism by attacking all our treasured 19th century biases and bigotry.
First class entertainment. Well done to all the contributors.Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.
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Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post
12 months hey. I live in the Middle East now and have for quite a while so before you try and bluff your way through, you should know who you are trying to fool. If you have lived in this part of the world then you will know that the hatred you preach is noting more than an act to try and stir trouble.
Not all people with with opposing views of the Middle East are rednecks but you certainly do come across that way.
Im not a middle eastern or Muslim advocate but I respect their views in certain areas. It can be frustrating as hell living here and seeing some of the actions and customs of a very different culture to that in Aus but that’s what it is for the most part... just a different culture and way of life. As I said previously, I just hope the respect gets shown to guests in my home country in return even tho in some cases it isn’t just the same as it isn’t always shown by foreigners living here.
Originally posted by rented tracksuit View PostIn some ways they are. Some ways they aren’t tho. The Middle East is very good at preserving its heritage. They are also moving forward in development at speeds that would blow you away. All done under some of the harshest climate condidtioms on the planet and they do this while still prioritising their faith. Whether you believe in the faith or not, their dedication is admirable. I personally don’t agree with everything they stand for but I can certainly respect their faith.
Austrslia is lucky in thst it is a relatively new nation and as such has had the luxury of developing at a time in history where advancements in everything like technology, travel medicine etc have aided it so it’s not that the Middle East hasn’t changed or won’t, it’s more that Aus has grown at a time in history where change has been greater than ever before.
Originally posted by eddie View PostAgreed.
I was struggling to form words at the time, and now I can't remember.
I should not have posted at all.
Apologies to Mr Tracksuit.
Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
You mean public whippings /beheadings/women have no rights etc being customs you need to turn a blind eye too- Your only there for the tax free benefits I suggest
Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
wow Saudi Arabia is allowing woman to drive a car - that's progressive :-) - still wont allow them to be in the company of a male who is not a relative or their husband though - Australia is Australia because of Britain colonisation -same for the rest of the former British empire - No Britain- what sports would we be playing - virtually none as they invented most of the popular sports
You seem like like a person who just likes to argue. If you have lived in the Middle East as you suggest, you would know that you are just trying to stir.FVCK CANCER
Originally posted by novice chook View Post
Maybe Hayne is converting to Islam, coming out as gay and bringing his fluffy poodle to the Chooks as the new Mascot. That'll bring the fans along in their droves
Bringer of Rain, Embrace the Hate, Freedom for All