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Raise Up A Rooster Benefit Night - Updated Please Read
Saw the small segment for Glenn's big night on the footy show today. Thought they might have shown more footage, maybe more on the thursday show. Hardly ever watch that crap, but will tune in incase they show more.
By all accounts, all had a great time.
Hope heaps of money was raised for Glenn and his family.
Great gesture by the raffle ticket winner!
Unfortunately, was unable to attend.
Have yet to meet up with anyone from the chookpen, and Glenn's big night would have been the ideal opportunity. Next time. You all seem like a great bunch. All I could contribute was buying a shitload of raffle tickets. Have never met Glenn, but his brave story moved me. I am just another lunatic easts supporter.
Again, congrats to all involved in making the night such a success. It made me a proud easts supporter that forum members/friends care so much to help a fellow easts man in a time of need.