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Hear Hear

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  • Hear Hear

    Nick Tedeschi in From the Couch today:

    Douchebag Tale #1: To me it seems completely untenable for Todd Carney or Nate Myles to ever play for the Roosters again. Of course, both probably will. That is The Way of the Roosters.

    The two, along with Frank-Paul Nu'uausala, were out on the drink only seven days after the playing group at the Roosters agreed on a club-wide booze ban as they tried to avoid their second wooden spoon in three years. It went on the night the Roosters were towelled by Manly in a totally inept showing. To go out on the sauce was a flagrant disregard for the Roosters, their teammates, their fans and those at the club who have stuck their neck out for the two so often in the past.

    Nu'uausala gets a pass on this one. He did bad, he will pay a price. He can be redeemed.

    The other two cannot. Not that Nate Myles cares. He has signed a big money deal with the Titans with the Roosters unable to get him out the door quick enough. It is rare Test players are told they can look around with a year remaining on their deal but Myles has long been regarded as a disruptive influence at the Bondi club and his "leadership" certainly won't be missed.

    Carney, on the other hand, would care quite a bit. His career is again at the crossroads. He gets another chance. He should be sacked. He probably won't be because he is too talented and Nick Politis has a god-complex that tells him he can save Todd Carney from himself, from his demons, from the drink. He can't but it won't stop him trying. Just as it won't stop a club with a weak culture like Parramatta or South Sydney signing Carney if the Roosters do let him go.

    Let me make this clear: there is no crime in going out for a drink. I don't buy all this role model garbage. He did nothing criminally wrong nor did he do anything to harm the image of the game.

    But Carney's blatant disregard for his teammates became apparent again and it is clear that his fellow players will never trust him again. Nor should they. Todd Carney cares for nobody but himself and the constant string of excuses, justifications and apologies for his behaviour only serve to hurt Carney as a person. Not that Carney's well-being is rugby league's responsibility. That defence is a joke. Steve Irwin wasn't rugby league's responsibility and neither is the drunk who regularly bugs me outside The Imperial Hotel at the top of Spring Street when I bust out for a late night dart. Rugby league owes Carney nothing and if Carney never played again, saw his life spiral further out of control and, in the worst of cases, killed himself or died of some kind of overdose, he is still not rugby league's responsibility.

    Todd Carney is Todd Carney's responsibility. The game owes him nothing.

    Todd Carney is a self-involved reprobate, a drama queen, a prick of a human it would seem and I have no sympathy for any club who signs him. You wouldn't see Wayne Bennett or Craig Bellamy bring him in. The Roosters' victory on Sunday against the Dragons should be evidence enough that the Tricolours are better off without the 2010 Dally M Medal winner.

    The sad thing is, when both Carney and Myles stayed off the drink in 2010, they were both outstanding. They were both fit, in tune with their teammates, trying hard. This year, Carney and Myles are likely to be seen working harder for a handjob in a knock shop than on the footy field in the blue, red and white.

    If I was running the Roosters, I would throw Carney out immediately. No more chances. No counselling. No c hance of redemption. He is a recidivist who will never be cured. As far as I'm concerned, he can piss off and if rugby league never sees him again then so be it because we won't be missing anything.

    As for Myles, good luck with that, Titans. Myles is a selfish bum who will have a grand old time on the Gold Coast. That should equal one, maybe two, decent games in 2012. Another bottom-four finish awaits.

  • #2
    He's a Bulldog loving fool


    • #3
      He is right about Carney and poo poo myles belonging in the red lidded plastic bin to be collected by Waverley Council


      • #4
        Originally posted by Horry View Post
        He's a Bulldog loving fool
        Who farkin cares who he supports, his comments are spot on


        • #5

          I am over the little inked up ranga


          • #6
            As much as I want to, I can't disagree with any of that.

            Just because the messenger is unpalitable doesn't make the message wrong.

            I find myself agreeing with David Oldfield about the current federal government, it sickens me that he's right in a lot of what he says.


            • #7
              Uncle Nick must know this in his gut

              Why look for excuses to give the guy another chance.

              Flick him. Move on


              • #8
                Wow, don't hold back Mr Tedeschi, tell us how you really feel. I've got no argument with some of what you've said but I wonder how you know some of the things you know because you seem mighty sure of yourself.
                "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

                Thomas Jefferson


                • #9
                  he makes too much sense!


                  • #10
                    Who is Nick Tedeschi and why is anyone watching On the couch?


                    • #11
                      He is a blogger and journo. Its just an opinion like all of ours, On the Couch is his loig blog.

                      you read it not watch it


                      • #12
                        Has some valid options granted - lets see how close to the mark he is.

