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Cordner in doubt for SOO3
Originally posted by Johnny Brass View Post
If you divided there salary by the games they play for the club they are probably getting paid 30k plus for each club game. The club is the one left holding the bag while they miss games due to Rep games. American sports would never put up with it.
Originally posted by roostersrule2 View PostApparently he’s going to play yet hasn’t trained a full session at all.
I love Cords and I know he’s the captain of his state but this is a dead rubber and he’s our captain too.
This game is important for the players but surely he has to make the Roosters his focus for the rest of the year.
As you say - it's a dead rubber so as far as I'm concerned (Boyd being Captain or not he's still Captain of the Roosters along with that misfit) I would love Cordner to miss Origin and front up for the Roosters against the Titans who aren't going all that bad looking at present form.
Will be rapt when Origin is finished."Do you expect me to talk"? "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die".
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Originally posted by Tommy Smith View PostThe Roosters pay his wages so should be his number one priority.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem that way.
He’s coming across as a really selfish individual who seems to only think about himself..
Such a disappointment considering he is our Captain!
If he plays on Wednesday and misses more than one game for us I'll be unhappy.
But to be fair to him, he's also captain of the Blues so he can't expect others to die for the jersey if he doesn't make every effort to play.
I'm hoping that his body really is alright and, who knows, with us not playing until Sunday night, maybe get the go ahead from medical staff to make a surprise appearance for us v Titans.
I don't think its about him being selfish, it's just in his DNA.
If it was a big Roosters game I have no doubt he would be going to exactly the same lengths to be ready as he has numerous times in the past for us.
I find it hard to call him selfish given the way he has continously sacrifices his body in our colours.
I agree with the majority that I would like to see him sit out this game as it's a dead rubber but I can also appreciate what the NSW team are trying to build and how much desire there is from the group to achieve a clean sweep given all the pain theyve been through recently.
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I respect the fact he has sacrificed his body for our Club on many occasions but in all fairness he gets paid a lot of money to make those sacrifices..
No doubting his competitiveness and his willingness to play being in his DNA,but in that case he shouldn’t be missing games for his Club a few days after..
Having missed 2 games for his Club already and the potential of missing another one this week all for the fact of showing the city of NSW his commitment smells of selfishness to me..
In saying that I’ll always love him as a Rooster..
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