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SST still hasn't run since his ankle injury Fergo will kick against the vermin

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  • SST still hasn't run since his ankle injury Fergo will kick against the vermin

    On Tuesday, Taukeiaho told he had not run since incurring the injury but was confident it wouldn't keep him from playing.

  • #2
    Why run yet if there’s risk. Test him on Saturday morning. Three days can make a big difference.


    • #3
      Make Fergo captain for this game. He will score 30’ll be interesting to see


      • #4
        Has Fergo missed a goal this year? I remember him potting a few over from the sideline.

        Sounds like SST should be okay, although we did pretty much win without him v Sharks.


        • #5
          Fergo is on 7 from 8 this year. His career percentage, and SST's, are identical at (IIRC) 73.33.


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Skeez View Post
            Make Fergo captain for this game. He will score 30
            dead heat with friend for coherent press conference.

            i really pray Cords is capt for both remaining games.

            Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland


            • #7
              Oh dear. No Napa, Mitchell and a one legged SST


              • #8
                On 2sm this arvo they said jake Friend hurt himself in the gym yesterday....they didnt say anymore
                Last edited by The Brain; 09-19-2018, 05:36 PM.
                Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                • #9
                  James Hooper on 360 reckons SST will kick while on the field with fergo as backup. Sounds like he has his wires crossed there. SST surely won’t do any kicking with his ankle injury and no practice.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Maxy Walker View Post
                    James Hooper on 360 reckons SST will kick while on the field with fergo as backup. Sounds like he has his wires crossed there. SST surely won’t do any kicking with his ankle injury and no practice.
                    SST said he was handing the kicking duties over to Fergo.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fletch View Post

                      SST said he was handing the kicking duties over to Fergo.
                      Yes. He did. Like I said I think Hooper is just confused.


                      • #12
                        Hooper meant SST will kick butt when he is on the field.


                        • #13
                          SST running at training today with no apparent strapping,seems like he is fine!

