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Hope the boys win it for Fergo

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  • Hope the boys win it for Fergo

    If there’s been one player this year that deserves his premiership ring it’s Blake. He has absolutely busted his nut, earnt every cent and then some and he’ll always be a chook in my eyes what a great turn around story he’s been. We’re going to miss him immensely next year, I hope Morris and the English bloke realise the massive shoes their filling in terms of yardage and impact.

    bring it home boys

  • #2
    Hear bloody, hear. Great season Fergo!


    • #3
      I love Fergo.


      • #4
        He’s been a straight up beast this year.

        I’m not very old but this is the best season I’ve seen by a Roosters winger. He’s been outstanding from Round 1.


        • #5
          I'll echo that sentiment. Fergo has been fantastic this year. In addition to Fergo, I'd like them to win it for Matterson as well as I thought he was great up until his falcon and has been very effective over the last month.
          "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

          Thomas Jefferson


          • #6
            Originally posted by roostersrule2 View Post
            He’s been a straight up beast this year.

            I’m not very old but this is the best season I’ve seen by a Roosters winger. He’s been outstanding from Round 1.
            You say you're not very old yet your avatar is of an actor that doesn't fit with your description of yourself. Just sayin'.
            "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

            Thomas Jefferson


            • #7
              You can just see the hunger and drive in his eyes this season. Pure determination.

              There would be nothing that would me happier than on Sunday night to see us lift the trophy and Fergo get the CCM.


              • #8
                Fergo loves the Club and you can see in his game how much he appreciates Uncle Nick standing by him.

                He has grown so much as a player and person since coming to our Club,full credit to him!


                • #9
                  Win it for Fergo? He’s capable of winning for himself and being that’s it’s his last time he’ll ever see a GF, then he should go out for broke, as long as he maintains the ball.

                  one thing though.. I WAS WRONG!! I said before the start of the season that Fergo will be moving to the forwards because he has the size, strength and speed to bust tackles... BIG CALL!!! Well perhaps I wasn’t totally wrong because in my magic ball I saw him playing like a forward so I translated that vision into a forward. You didn’t let me down Fergo! Just Do It!!!


                  • #10
                    I’ve always liked Fergo & will be sorry to see him go. Hopefully he gets the send off he deserves.


                    • #11
                      'busted his nut' probably isn't the best expression for Fergo's form.


                      • #12
                        I think we will miss Fergo next year immensely. I for one have always thought he was a great player and this year he has proved it over and over again. I wish they club had offered him a decent deal. He would have preferred to stay with us. He has to look after his young family first. It will be sad to see him leave but I wish him all the best for the future. I have met him a few times and you would not meet a nicer bloke. Always be a Rooster in my eyes.


                        • #13
                          That try on Saturday is a case in point. Had a lot of work to do but found the line. Should be Dally M Winger of the Year.


                          • #14
                            Fergo has been our player of the season.

                            The difference next Sunday could well be the vastly superior yardage game of our wingers vs theirs.

                            Here's hoping he finishes his time as a Rooster with a bang.


                            • #15
                              I hope the boys win it for me!

                              (yeah Fergo’s been pretty good too....)

