Originally posted by novice chook
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The politics of envy see us not getting a new stadium?
Can't be having those silvertails playing out of Allianz getting a new stadium?
No more equality...class warfare has begun.
Seems to be that if one is not voting leftist these days one is a pariah of society.
Hope Labor voters in NSW enjoy the backwater they'll get with their votes.
No more North Connex etc. More traffic jams everywhere.
No new stadium, and no Grand final.
Hope federal Labor voters enjoy their new Marxist death taxes etc and all Labor's other taxes. Hope they enjoy their rent increases as 'negative gearing' investors sell their investment properties and flee the market.
Hope Labor voters enjoy having squillions of dollars of their taxes paid out for 'refugees/asylum seekers' once Shorten Labor/Greens open the boats floodgates again like they did in 2007.
At least Hadley's playing the foghorn as each new people-smuggling boat arrives should be good for a laugh.
"Tax the rich" says Labor.
"Ever been employed by a poor person"? - Alan Jones.
"Tax something, you get less of it" - Alan Jones.
Daley Labor have reportedly said they'll be taxing further new luxury boats valued at more than $250,000....and cars/vehicles valued at more than $100,000.
Owners of businesses selling such boats and vehicles have said that that will hurt their businesses.
Businesses that employ people.
"Tax the rich".
More like tax the people the rich employ right out of a job.
Yes, the Leftist mantra..."Tax the rich".
The rich buy stuff...new cars, new boats, new furniture, new whitegoods, new clothes, wines for their wine cellars, food for their entertaining, etc etc etc.
Any people one who think that old rich guys, or old guys with enough to retire on will continue working hard to pay Labor's taxes have another think coming
They'll just close down their businesses and go fishing..