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  • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
    As for Antonio the wheely-bin, he is deafeing in his silence about whether he thinks it is appropriate that the Telecrap finds Carney's drinking more deplorable and newsworthy than someone hitting his girlfriend and mother of his child TWICE??
    That's what reported. Historically it would be a common thing, me thinks


    • Originally posted by chook 56 View Post
      That's what reported. Historically it would be a common thing, me thinks
      Twice as in it has happened twice in the last 12 months. He was charged after Mad Monday last year with the same offence but it was dropped I think because his partner didn't go through with it. May be wrong on that though.


      • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
        Absolutely spot on!
        There is no need for the colour of the skin to be raised. Lui is scum - plain and simple. I would never refer to the colour of anyone's skin no matter what they've done. He is disgusting, revolting, foul scum for hitting a woman TWICE in 12 months. The colour of his skin is neither here nor there from my point of view. And unfortunately when people revert to racist descriptions it does deflect from the issue at heart - which is he is SCUM!
        As for Antonio the wheely-bin, he is deafeing in his silence about whether he thinks it is appropriate that the Telecrap finds Carney's drinking more deplorable and newsworthy than someone hitting his girlfriend and mother of his child TWICE??

        Lui's actions, if proven, are reprehensible, and of course they are significantly worse than Carney having another bender. The coverage each will attain in the news though is dependent on other factors. Carney has 50 times the profile Lui has. Every media outlet in the country, not just News Ltd, would have given Carney significantly more coverage than Lui. That's because he's more well known, and as such more people are interested. If they want to devote more column cm to Carney that's their business, and who really gives a fark? No-one does, apart from the barking mad flips who frequent this joint. If it worries you that much, sit at home all day like the oldies and pump out letters to all the papers, and all the TV networks, and all the radio stations, and tell them how upset about it you are.

        What can't be argued though, is that to refer to someone in the way PG did, is also reprehensible.


        • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
          Twice as in it has happened twice in the last 12 months. He was charged after Mad Monday last year with the same offence but it was dropped I think because his partner didn't go through with it. May be wrong on that though.
          Sorry, should have explained myself better.
          Historically if the police are involved it is usually after a string of violent incidents.
          This guy has a problem & obviously thinks it is ok/normal to beat on your partner.
          NO, IT'S NOT!
          And the big problem for police is that it takes so long to get to the courts. In that time the creep has sweet talked his girl around to telling a different story as to what actually happened. Cops usually won't proceed unless they have the full co-operation from the victim.


          • Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post

            Lui's actions, if proven, are reprehensible, and of course they are significantly worse than Carney having another bender. The coverage each will attain in the news though is dependent on other factors. Carney has 50 times the profile Lui has. Every media outlet in the country, not just News Ltd, would have given Carney significantly more coverage than Lui. That's because he's more well known, and as such more people are interested. If they want to devote more column cm to Carney that's their business, and who really gives a fark? No-one does, apart from the barking mad flips who frequent this joint. If it worries you that much, sit at home all day like the oldies and pump out letters to all the papers, and all the TV networks, and all the radio stations, and tell them how upset about it you are.

            What can't be argued though, is that to refer to someone in the way PG did, is also reprehensible.
            That is the biggest load of BS i've read on the issue..

            There is no justifying the silence on the Lui issue..

            And your deflections & excuses only make you seem more pathetic..If that is possible..


            • Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post

              Lui's actions, if proven, are reprehensible, and of course they are significantly worse than Carney having another bender. The coverage each will attain in the news though is dependent on other factors. Carney has 50 times the profile Lui has. Every media outlet in the country, not just News Ltd, would have given Carney significantly more coverage than Lui. That's because he's more well known, and as such more people are interested. If they want to devote more column cm to Carney that's their business, and who really gives a fark? No-one does, apart from the barking mad flips who frequent this joint. If it worries you that much, sit at home all day like the oldies and pump out letters to all the papers, and all the TV networks, and all the radio stations, and tell them how upset about it you are.

              What can't be argued though, is that to refer to someone in the way PG did, is also reprehensible.
              No it doesn't worry me that much. I just find the hypocrisy very frustrating but typical of the sesnationalist sections of the media. You are right, Carney is better known and therefore they know they will sell more papers by having him and his acts of stupidy all over the pages of their papers / TV shows / radio broadcasts etc. It doesn't make it right though and me complaining about it will mean nothing when people will still buy the paper. Nor does it make it right that Lui, who has allegedly committed a serious crime TWICE barely rates a mention.
              And as I said I do not and will never tolerate racism or racist language.


              • Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post

                Lui's actions, if proven, are reprehensible, and of course they are significantly worse than Carney having another bender. The coverage each will attain in the news though is dependent on other factors. Carney has 50 times the profile Lui has. Every media outlet in the country, not just News Ltd, would have given Carney significantly more coverage than Lui. That's because he's more well known, and as such more people are interested. If they want to devote more column cm to Carney that's their business, and who really gives a fark? No-one does, apart from the barking mad flips who frequent this joint. If it worries you that much, sit at home all day like the oldies and pump out letters to all the papers, and all the TV networks, and all the radio stations, and tell them how upset about it you are.

                What can't be argued though, is that to refer to someone in the way PG did, is also reprehensible.
                Crap! The SMH didn't order reporters and photographers to follow Carney & Myles around after their indiscretion and publicise the
                fact they engaged in retail therapy, caught a flick, followed by how many coffees that had etc...That's stalking, trivial and above all
                IMO, the SMH reports the details without over-sensationalising or overdoing the story.
                Wheelie, you should be ashamed being associated with News Ltd, moreso since the phone tapping scandal .
                Last edited by theGman; 09-29-2011, 05:13 PM.


                • Originally posted by theGman View Post
                  caught a flick, followed by how many coffees that had etc...That's stalking, trivial and above all
                  Yep. My first thought when I saw it breaking.


                  • Originally posted by chook 56 View Post
                    Sorry, should have explained myself better.
                    Historically if the police are involved it is usually after a string of violent incidents.
                    This guy has a problem & obviously thinks it is ok/normal to beat on your partner.
                    NO, IT'S NOT!
                    And the big problem for police is that it takes so long to get to the courts. In that time the creep has sweet talked his girl around to telling a different story as to what actually happened. Cops usually won't proceed unless they have the full co-operation from the victim.
                    Agree totally.


                    • Originally posted by Horrie Is God View Post
                      That is the biggest load of BS i've read on the issue..

                      There is no justifying the silence on the Lui issue..

                      And your deflections & excuses only make you seem more pathetic..If that is possible..
                      I know it is Horrie

                      But that's only because your incapable of understanding

                      Don't beat yourself up about it though


                      • Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
                        I know it is Horrie

                        But that's only because your incapable of understanding

                        Don't beat yourself up about it though
                        Classic Teabags..

                        Is that the best you've got?..

                        More deflections & excusing the inexcusable from you..



                        • Originally posted by Horrie Is God View Post
                          Classic Teabags..

                          Is that the best you've got?..

                          More deflections & excusing the inexcusable from you..

                          No mate, that's exactly what you're doing

                          Media outlets basing allocated coverage of incidents partly on profile of subject involved - hardly "inexcusable"

                          Racism - absolutely inexcusable

                          But I realise that you can't see that

                          This incident didn't receive as much coverage as Carney either



                          • Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
                            No mate, that's exactly what you're doing

                            Media outlets basing allocated coverage of incidents partly on profile of subject involved - hardly "inexcusable"

                            Racism - absolutely inexcusable

                            But I realise that you can't see that

                            This incident didn't receive as much coverage as Carney either

                            The Lui case should've recieved 5 times the media cm that silly Carney got for being an immature fool..As should Cherringtons..

                            If you can't see that then you are more mentally deficient than i thought..

                            Not that i expect anything less from a News Ltd lackey..

                            News of the World Teabags?..

                            Your attack on Jman is the actions of a desperate fool..One looking to deflect from the pathetic actions of its employer..

                            As for the "mate" stuff..I hope you were being ironic..


                            • Lui hasn't been convicted yet.

                              Look what happened in the Inglis case.

                              The headlines read something like;

                              "LOWEST ACT"

                              "INGLIS ARRESTED FOR HITTING A WOMAN" [or GIRLFRIEND]

                              ...then the truth was revealed at his trial.


                              He said he had pushed her out of agitation after she "got in his face".


                              Girlfriend puts new slant on Inglis row

                              THE girlfriend of National Rugby League and Melbourne Storm superstar Greg Inglis has revealed new information to police that may ultimately clear him of assaulting her.

                              Sally Robinson yesterday handed investigators a lengthy statement that provides a different version of events to the one she had previously given.

                              The signed statement is believed to reveal specific information about what triggered the altercation. It is understood to refer to Inglis trying to disarm Ms Robinson while she was in the process of self-harm.


                              I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that a knife was mentioned in that case.

                              I'm not saying Lui is innocent, but maybe the print media learnt a lesson from the Inglis case.


                              • Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
                                Lui hasn't been convicted yet.

                                Look what happened in the Inglis case.

                                The headlines read something like;

                                "LOWEST ACT"

                                "INGLIS ARRESTED FOR HITTING A WOMAN" [or GIRLFRIEND]

                                ...then the truth was revealed at his trial.


                                He said he had pushed her out of agitation after she "got in his face".


                                Girlfriend puts new slant on Inglis row

                                THE girlfriend of National Rugby League and Melbourne Storm superstar Greg Inglis has revealed new information to police that may ultimately clear him of assaulting her.

                                Sally Robinson yesterday handed investigators a lengthy statement that provides a different version of events to the one she had previously given.

                                The signed statement is believed to reveal specific information about what triggered the altercation. It is understood to refer to Inglis trying to disarm Ms Robinson while she was in the process of self-harm.


                                I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that a knife was mentioned in that case.

                                I'm not saying Lui is innocent, but maybe the print media learnt a lesson from the Inglis case.
                                Lui is a REPEAT OFFENDER..

                                The 2 cases have barely any similarities..

                                Inglis argued from day 1 he was trying to stop his missus hurting herself..

                                Gee you post some irrelevant garbage..

