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NRL admits that Pearce's suspension that royally fukked our 2016 season was excessive

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  • NRL admits that Pearce's suspension that royally fukked our 2016 season was excessive

    > Since its inception as a one-man operation in 2013, the Integrity Unit has handed out around 180 sanctions for everything from player misbehaviour to salary cap and concussion protocol breaches.

    Love how they also admit that their 'unit' can be 1 dude too.

  • #2
    Good one thanks. Those idiots always targeted us unfairly including the refs.
    “Soon will the present day order be rolled up, and a new one spread out in its stead”- (Baha’u’llah)


    • #3
      Meh! It was more than Pearcey’s suspension that cost us that season. In the end, it was merely another stepping stone to what we achieved last year.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post
        Meh! It was more than Pearcey’s suspension that cost us that season. In the end, it was merely another stepping stone to what we achieved last year.
        On the one hand that's a sensible way to look at; on the other, I can't get the image of that ****wit John Grant giving a press conference at the time, smarmily making anti-Rooster comments. Todd Greenberg said today that 'with all the info that we have today you'd say that the penalty was over-cooked', but that's just bullshit. It was clear at the time that the penalty was excessive. Still, good to hear that they've acknowledged that they ****ed that one up.

        The next time we have a player doing something bad, we should get a get out of jail free pass.


        • #5
          Originally posted by zac View Post

          On the one hand that's a sensible way to look at; on the other, I can't get the image of that ****wit John Grant giving a press conference at the time, smarmily making anti-Rooster comments. Todd Greenberg said today that 'with all the info that we have today you'd say that the penalty was over-cooked', but that's just bullshit. It was clear at the time that the penalty was excessive. Still, good to hear that they've acknowledged that they ****ed that one up.

          The next time we have a player doing something bad, we should get a get out of jail free pass.
          Agreed. It was a crap decision and glaring obvious at the time but in the end, I like where it’s got us today. I’m also happy to see when Pearcey has a good game up in coal town.
          FVCK CANCER


          • #6
            One can make the argument that with this admission its time for the NRL to refund MP with some of the $50k they slapped on him, an compensate the Roosters for some of the losses of sponsorship.

            The NRL where partly responsible for allowing the media to blow the whole thing up when they should have given MP a fine and a warning at the time, allowing everyone to move on sooner.


            • #7
              I can remember when it happened the hysteria from the media. One station reported that he was filmed having sexual intercourse with a dog and I thought to myself, 'holy shit this will be huge!'. Then when they showed the actual footage I was wondering what he had actually done wrong. If he had been from the Rabbitohs or the Broncos or any of the NRL's pet clubs it would hardly have been more then a fine but because it was Pearce and the Roosters it was a major incident. Pearce should deadset ask the NRL for a refund, like the Brett Stewart incident they went way overboard and faarked us over big time.


              • #8
                Pearce was set up from the start of that video.
                He left his phone behind and they knew he was coming.
                If you watch the video again they were trying to get him to say controversial stuff, the NRL just over reactivated to the media hype.
                Who ever filmed the incidence made heaps of money and News LTD sold a shit loads of papers, That is all that counts.
                Now I have a very poor view of the NRL and I believe, that at the time we were flying so high, that they smashed us, as we are an easy target.
                I think that the NRL believe that they can come down on us so hard because every one hates us.We are easy targets as we cheat the CAP. Just ask anyone who is not a Roosters supporter!
                Just my thoughts on Pearce, as I will always have a soft spot for him. Great 1st grader but played in the wrong area for NSW.

                Last edited by Team Evil; 05-11-2019, 03:11 AM.


                • #9
                  Im more concerned about the present. Every round im seeing crusher tackles that are a lot worse than the one Joseph Manu got cited for and subsequently his appeal denied. What i don't get is sometimes its deemed a penalty or sometimes a accident. Manu's crusher tackle was called by every commentator as being accidental and soft..... no one believed he would get cited.When he got cited no one believed the appeal would be turned down at the judiciary. Then i think back to Latrells appeal failing at the judiciary last year in the semi finals, Slater getting off at the judiciary....and somehow the judiciary letting Maloney off last week.

                  If im being paranoid/or one eyed someone tell me i am please! I think i trust Sean Garlick as much as the pigeon meat he puts in his pies


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post
                    Im more concerned about the present. Every round im seeing crusher tackles that are a lot worse than the one Joseph Manu got cited for and subsequently his appeal denied. What i don't get is sometimes its deemed a penalty or sometimes a accident. Manu's crusher tackle was called by every commentator as being accidental and soft..... no one believed he would get cited.When he got cited no one believed the appeal would be turned down at the judiciary. Then i think back to Latrells appeal failing at the judiciary last year in the semi finals, Slater getting off at the judiciary....and somehow the judiciary letting Maloney off last week.

                    If im being paranoid/or one eyed someone tell me i am please! I think i trust Sean Garlick as much as the pigeon meat he puts in his pies
                    I tend to agree with you. I don't think that you are being one-eyed. (Or maybe I'm as one-eyed as you and so can't see it).

                    The thing is, everyone is bias when it comes to their team and so everyone thinks that they are hard done by. When something does go against your club and you speak up, you are accused of whingeing. People tend to forget or ignore injustice if it doesn't affect them directly . And worse they pretend it doesn't exist if they benefit from it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post
                      Im more concerned about the present. Every round im seeing crusher tackles that are a lot worse than the one Joseph Manu got cited for and subsequently his appeal denied. What i don't get is sometimes its deemed a penalty or sometimes a accident. Manu's crusher tackle was called by every commentator as being accidental and soft..... no one believed he would get cited.When he got cited no one believed the appeal would be turned down at the judiciary. Then i think back to Latrells appeal failing at the judiciary last year in the semi finals, Slater getting off at the judiciary....and somehow the judiciary letting Maloney off last week.

                      If im being paranoid/or one eyed someone tell me i am please! I think i trust Sean Garlick as much as the pigeon meat he puts in his pies
                      Its a joke. Its like the judiciary are scared of this lawyer, I've forgotten his name but he represented Slater and Maloney. The decision on Slater was an absolute joke. In the end I'm glad he played so that i could see us turn up and dominate him and his dodgy 'second set of books' mate Smith.

                      The NRL needs to realise that the comp is a massive industry with big money being spent on sponsorship, gambling, entertainment deals, etc. and nothing short of an independent, professional judicial system will do the job. Especially if we want to start attracting the big sponsors. We need to be able to show that a) we can prevent issues and b) we can deal with them quickly, efficiently without bad press.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Team Evil View Post
                        Pearce was set up from the start of that video.
                        He left his phone behind and they knew he was coming.
                        If you watch the video again they were trying to get him to say controversial stuff, the NRL just over reactivated to the media hype.
                        Who ever filmed the incidence made heaps of money and News LTD sold a shit loads of papers, That is all that counts.
                        Now I have a very poor view of the NRL and I believe, that at the time we were flying so high, that they smashed us, as we are an easy target.
                        I think that the NRL believe that they can come down on us so hard because every one hates us.We are easy targets as we cheat the CAP. Just ask anyone who is not a Roosters supporter!
                        Just my thoughts on Pearce, as I will always have a soft spot for him. Great 1st grader but played in the wrong area for NSW.

                        Well said.

                        That was the main thing that disgusted me...nothing that Pearce did but the lowlife(s) that set him up and filmed him in a private setting.

                        Even those One Nation dopes were royally set up and pursued and filmed privately without their knowledge to suit other political agendas.

                        It's a really sick and cowardly part of our society today.

                        At least Greenburg acknowledged the League stuffed up and bowed to the mainstream media.
                        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                        • #13
                          Roosters getting punished for eating too much garlick pie back in the day!
                          Sickie Lame .... King of Bestiality


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The Corner Post View Post

                            Its a joke. Its like the judiciary are scared of this lawyer, I've forgotten his name but he represented Slater and Maloney.
                            Nick Ghabar is his name. In hindsight I'm glad Slater got off; made the win so much better and Storm supporters couldn't say "but if Billy played' etc.

                            "Do you expect me to talk"? "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die".


                            • #15
                              - Pearce's punishment was excessive
                              - Walker's been found not guilty (i.e. big suspension for nothing)
                              - Ben Barba hasn't been charged with anything (i.e. lifetime ban for nothing)
                              - de Belin and Hayne have odd rape charges that I'm not entirely sure will stick.

                              GI is pretty much the only person who did anything (i.e. speeding + DUI) and he's showered with praise and given a $$$ gig that doesn't have to count under Souffs' cap despite relieving them of ~$2-3 million of salary cap pressure, helping them to put upwards pressure on our negotiations with Latrell.

                              Where is this all going?

